Русский Українська English ДонНТУ Магистры
Алдохина А.С. Aldohina Anastasia Sergeevna

Faculty of computer informational technologies and automatics

The theme of master's degree work:
«Structure grounding of natural galeak trass detector from cross-country gas line»

Scientific adviser: Ph.D Хламов М.Г.
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The author's abstract

The theme of master's degree work: «Substantiation of structure of the route detector of outflow of natural gas from gas mains».

The maintenance


Besides ecological factors, destruction of the main gas is accompanied by heavy economic consequences. Urgency of the decision of the given problem at the present stage, except for the social and ecological factors, caused in the big cost of replacement or repair of pipelines. Total updating of pipeline system practically not a real problem for any large gas or oil company. In this connection an actual problem is development of highly effective methods for operative detection of the location of breaks of pipelines [1].

The purpose and problems of work.

The purpose магистерской works is increase of speed of measurement of volumetric concentration of metane by application of a optical-acoustic method of definition of concentration of metane with the open channel and indemnifications of dynamic indignations of environment that influence results of measurements.

In a basis the put оptical-acoustic method of measurement of concentration of metane and its improvement by indemnification of dominating errors: temperatures, pressure, lengths of a line, an error from dynamic changes of characteristics of the measured environment.

During work it is necessary to solve following problems:

  • To analyse methods of measurement of concentration of metane for the automated continuous control over conditions of the main gas mains and ways of improvement of their metrological characteristics [8];
  • To reveal factors which influence errors of a base method, and to develop principles of their indemnification [2];
  • To develop mathematical model of a high-speed measuring instrument of concentration of metane on the basis of optical-acoustic a method with use of the open optical channel [3];
  • To develop structurally-algorithmic methods which provide necessary accuracy and high speed of a measuring instrument of metane in conditions of a stationary operating mode [4].

Novelty of the received results.

During work new results will be developed and received:

  • Model of change of characteristics of the channel [5];
  • Algorithms of indemnification of dominating errors caused by presence at the open channel of an error from dynamic changes of characteristics of measured [6];
  • Imitating model of a high-speed measuring instrument of concentration of metane.

Practical value of the received results. Results of the lead researches allow to approve, that the offered mathematical models used during modelling, sufficiently display processes in the optical channel more authentically and provide metrological characteristics of a high-speed measuring instrument of concentration of metane to corresponding parameters of working means of measurement of concentration of metane on the main gas mains. The developed algorithms of indemnification effectively counteract indignations that conduct to changes of sizes of streams of radiation in all channels, that, reducing dependence of a measuring instrument of concentration of metane on fluctuation of a pressure in an electric network and fluctuations of optical streams of sources of radiation, degradation of sources of radiation, asymmetry of parameters of optical channels [7] are connected with them.

On the basis of the developed mathematical model of the detector of concentration of metane and its imitating modelling the offered block diagram of a high-speed measuring instrument of metane of compensatory type that considers influence of a complex of factors which influence process of measurements. The offered detector allows to build on its basis of system of detecting of the raised speed [4].

Expected practical value

Increase of speed of means of definition of places of outflow of natural gas from gas mains of a gas facilities of Ukraine.

The review of existing researches and development.

Now in the gas industry of Russia the problem of maintenance of the system continuous control and the account of emissions of hotbed gases in an atmosphere, including metane is solved.

Significant experience of the control of issue of metane from technological losses and emissions of natural gas, including with participation of foreign firms and experts is saved up.

In field conditions the tool control of issue of metane is spent by various methods.

  • Visual (external survey, on the car, from air);
  • By means of contact and remote methods.

Thus the measuring technics is used depending on the purposes and objects of the control, over interaction with rules of the ecological monitoring, operating system of technical diagnostics of a condition of gas mains, and the process equipment, algorithms of management of technological processes, plans of technical preventive maintenance and repair of pipelines and units of the equipment.

Contact quality monitoring - indication of levels of concentration of metane directly in places of outflow. Thus use gas analyzers with continuous record of change of concentration of metane. In gas analyzers are applied: semi-conductor and термокаталитические, electrochemical, спектрально-optical ardently-indicator gauges. The choice of the device is defined by many factors selectivity on measured gas, service life, reliability, a scope, simplicity of a design, service requirements and cost.

Remote methods serve as a component of complex researches of pipeline systems.

Laser shooting is based on an irradiation of object on two lengths of waves, one of which gets in a strip of absorption of gas, and another lays outside of it (a method of differential absorption);

Infra-red aerial photograph from small heights тепловизионными systems allows to find out places and the sizes of outflow by temperature contrast of a site of a surface near to the pipeline.

Radar-tracking shooting is based on various electric properties of atmospheric air and its mix with metane.

Materials of space monitoring are used for revealing potentially dangerous sites, especially in seismically active zones, and also for the control of processes of bogging, подтепления, superfluous переувлажнения with the subsequent forecasting a condition of the pipeline and its possible infringements, to leading technological emissions and outflow of gas.

Measurements of issue of metane also were spent to branches by means of the mobile system the car-laboratory equipped by devices of the control [1].

Works on the given subjects were conducted in several directions:

  • Passive sounding of an ozonosphere and small gas components of an atmosphere in visible, infra-red and microwave ranges of a spectrum;
  • Lydarnoe sounding of an environment;

Creation of devices for radiating researches and remote sounding.

On Zvenygorodskoy scientific station, and also at High-mountainous scientific station on Northern Caucasus regular spectroscopic measurements and researches of the maintenance in thickness of an atmosphere of active gases - WITH, metane and water pair [9] proceed. The analysis long-term (30 years) regular measurements of the maintenance окиси carbon and metane has led to the conclusion, that maintenances CO and CH4 in an atmosphere increase with a speed 0.9 and 0.5 in a year. To 2000-2002 were spent calibration of techniques of measurement of the general maintenance WITH, СН4 and Н2О [10].

Remote measurements of a temperature structure and characteristics of gas structure of an atmosphere on the basis of interpretation of spectra descending thermal ИК the radiations, measured in conditions of cloudless atmosphere фурье-интерферометром of Institute Maksa of Planck are carried out. The special technique of interpretation in which alongside with definition of atmospheric parameters parameters of absolute calibration of spectra and radiating model of an atmosphere are specified is offered and investigated in numerical experiments. It is shown, that the remote method allows with good accuracy to define the general maintenance of some (N2O, CH4, CFC-11, CFC-12, CO), and also the tropospheric maintenance of ozone [13].

Long-term continuous measurements of general maintenance Н2О and average on height of relative concentration СО2 in thickness of an atmosphere at station Issyk Kul are spent and analyzed by employees ИЭМ. In Obninsk ИЭМ spends regular measurements of concentration СН4 in ground air and its maintenances in a column of an atmosphere a spectrometer method and researches of characteristics of elements of a landscape with the purpose of search of steady attributes for their parametrization under various meteorological conditions and conditions of light exposure. Researches are spent by means of specially developed spektroradyometrycheskoy the scanning equipment from a meteorological tower.

The third direction of researches - Creation of devices for radiating researches and remote sounding - is presented by a number of institutes.

In the center it. M.V.Keldysh is developed the outline sketch and prototyping mainframes of infra-red фурье-spectrometer ИКФС-2 for temperature and влажностного sounding of an atmosphere from a space vehicle "Meteor-th" [14] is lead. The device is intended for measurement of spectra of leaving radiation of system the "atmosphere-surface", vertical structures of temperature necessary for reception and humidity, the general maintenance of ozone, temperature of a spreading surface and characteristics of overcast. Besides data about the maintenance of small gas components of atmosphere СН4 can be obtained, N2O, etc. the Specified errors of restoration метеопараметров are resulted for conditions of a cloudless atmosphere.

The silent spectrometer of a millimetric range of radiowaves with broadband akusto-optycheskym spektroanalyzatorom [16], developed in the St.-Petersburg state polytechnical university is created. The basic characteristics АОS, the analysis having a strip of 500 MHz and the frequency sanction of 0,9 MHz, and also features of its application for measurements of a spectral line of radiation of atmospheric ozone on frequency of 142,2 GHz [17] are investigated.

The list of unresolved problems and problems

Planned and received own results.

1. Mathematical modelling of the channel of measurement of metane of the optical-acoustic channel

  • Modelling of a spectrum of absorption of metane
  • Formation of an optical signal
  • The account of factors at passage of a stream of IR-radiation through the optical detector
  • The account of influence of pressure, temperatures, lengths of a line on results of measurement a target signal of a photodetector of the channel of measurement of metane

2. Imitating modelling of work of physical processes of work of the detector

  • Modelling of the optical channel of measurement of concentration of metane by the оptical-acoustic detector
  • A technique of modelling of adjustment of units of electronic system of the detector
  • A technique of modelling of graduation of the detector a technique of definition of metrological parameters of means of measurement

3. Research of metrological characteristics of the channel of measurement of metane of the оpyical-acoustic detector

  • Planning of mathematical experiment for definition of parameters of accuracy at definition of concentration of metane by the optical-acoustic detector
  • Classification of plans of mathematical experiments. Levels, intervals a variation and a range of definition of factors. A matrix of planning of mathematical experiment. A matrix of planning полнофакторного experiment for definition of parameters of accuracy at definition of concentration of metane by the optical-acoustic detector. Its features.

  • Research of parameters of algorithm of indemnification on accuracy of measurement of concentration
  • Introductions of the channel of measurement of range
  • A substantiation of structure of the channel of measurements of range. A choice of a range finder юстировка works of the channel of measurement of range.

    4. Structural сема the detector of outflow of natural gas

    • Requirements to an analog part of the detector flow away natural gas and development of the block diagram
    • The block diagram of a discrete part of the channel of measurement of concentration of metane
    • The block diagram of the detector
    • The description of the chosen microprocessor series (ADuC824)
    • Development of algorithm of functioning of the detector of outflow of natural gas

    The conclusion.

    During work, according to definite purposes will be developed and received:

    • Mathematical model of a spectrum of a strip of absorption of metane;
    • Model of dynamic changes of characteristics of the channel;
    • Algorithms of indemnification of dominating errors caused by presence at the open channel of an error from dynamic changes of characteristics of the measured environment;
    • Imitating model of the high-speed detector of outflow of metane on the basis of a optical-acoustic method with use of the open optical channel.

    Results of the lead researches will allow to approve, that the offered mathematical models used during modelling, sufficiently display processes in the optical channel more authentically and provide metrological characteristics of a high-speed measuring instrument of concentration of metane to corresponding parameters of working means of measurement.

    On the basis of the developed mathematical model of a optical-acoustic measuring instrument of concentration of metane and its imitating modelling the block diagram of the high-speed detector that considers influence of a complex of factors which influence process of measurements is offered. The offered detector can be used as the independent independent device.

    The list of the used literature:

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