Presently the program of successive introduction of the ASKUE wholesale market of electric power works on Ukraine. Reliable
and operative consideration of elektroenergii on all scopes of section of participants of market is its purpose - generating
companies to the NEK grids, oblenergo and users. Without commercial the ASKUE wholesale market, which would give data of commercial
consideration to the interested participants of process of purchase-sale of electric power, a market is not able to function.
On Ukraine, loading of users is covered in the base mode on 35% due to electric power of nuclear power plants, and regulative
powers (GES and GAES) are scarce. Therefore, in spite of slump of the industrial loading for Ukraine the questions of adjusting of the graphs of grids due to the tariff systems are actual. For industry and way
of life three tariff seasons (winter-autumn, spring-autumn. spring-summer)are set, and for every season - tariff areas (3-area - peak, semipeak, night or 2-area - day, night). For industry tariff coefficients matter accordingly (1,8 - 1,02
- 0,25) and (1,8 - 0,4), and for the way of life - (1,5 - 1 - 0,4) and (1 - 0,7).
Relatively low consumption of middle domestic subscriber, small specific gravity of "way" of life in electro-balance
of country low tariffs for the population and great number of domestic subscribers did to for some time past economic inadvisable the
simple transfer of the automated systems of consideration, used on industrial enterprises even in apartment city houses, not to mention about rural locality.
Because in electro-balance of Ukraine the stake of domestic electro-consumption to for some time past did not exceed 10 %
(in kVtoch) and only 4-6 % in the money calculation, payment for electric power consumed on domestic needs until now is carried out on unique principle of "self-service".
After leading of tariffs to on electric power at domestic users to the level of prime price of its production their stake
in balance of profits of sale companies will be multiplied substantially. The problems of non-payments and stealing of electric
power will be intensifyed simultaneously. World experience testifies that if the "way" of life brings more than 20 % profits, energokompanii are forced to take special
measures on the rise of level of sobiraemosti payments from the population, as, for example
Although on the average on Ukraine the stake of payments of population in the total profit of home energokompaniy in the
nearest 5 years scarcely will exceed 15 %, in many regions this stake will exceed critical 20 % in the most nearest years.
This, sure, will lead to abolition in these regions of existing in our country everywhere the systems of "self-service" and
compel local energosbitovie companies to be engaged in the extract of accounts to the domestic users with all effluent from
this mass measure consequences.
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Review of existing research and developments
In many countries with the developed market economy all before transferred problems of energosbitovih organizations decide
by the ASKUE introduction at domestic users (ASKUE BP).
In world practice similar systems have denotation of "AMR systems" (Automatic Meter Reading - system of the automatic reading
of testimonies of meters). Almost all leading producers of meters a lot of years worked above creation of simple reliable and cheap systems for domestic users. At development of such systems two basic approaches were observed: the system
must be covered a cost and provide the promoted reliability of functioning. Such systems are created presently are produced serially and widely strike root in many countries.
Along with piones and world leaders in area of the AMR use - the USA, Canada, Japan, France, Israel, Germany, Switzerland
and Italy - a few countries with a developing economy appeared, believing in the AMR prospect, for example Ukraine and Brazil.
Presently a radio contact is the most generally accepted technique of the AMR communication in a whole world, and her the
technology of the PLC communication follows (Power Line Communication - communication on a nizkovoltnoy network). Thus in
America the priority has a radio contact and in other countries in most cases - PLC. The wide application PLC it is not surprising, in a fact for the AMR technology
the areas of coverage, near by 100%, are needed, to attain every house or enterprise. In many countries there is the sole
environment of communication
On Ukraine there are a lot of firms - system integrators which come forward in creation of commercial ASKUE for a wholesale
market, but not enough such organizations which would be done by scales ASKUE in the compressed terms, "turnkey" thus with maximal adaptation of decisions under features and queries of customer. One of the such advanced firms is the
"Hartep LTD.", which with 2000 g enters in the complement of the Kharkov corporation "MAST-IPRA", created in 1993г.
One of the largest ASKUE, including more than hundred electronic meters with digital interfaces for commercial consideration
and about two hundred meters with impulsive outputs for technical consideration, is created by a firm for AK "Harkovoblenergo".
By the basic element ASKUE, allowing to integrate at the local level of the system of consideration and elektroschetchiki
of different manufacturers with different protocols there is the of communication module (KM). He is built on the base of
standard industrial computer of the PC type, series 104 (analogue of Pentium 166 Mhz) with the operating system Windows NT,
which allows to collect data on digital interfaces from elektroschetchikov with different protocols of exchange.
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