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Dovzhenko Olga Aleksandrovna Donetsk National Technical University Faculty of computer informational technologies and automatics studying group PE-01 The theme of master's degree work: «Substantiation of methods and means choice of measuring of buildings deviation from the vertical line» Scientific leader: prof., t.s.d. N.I. Chichikalo |
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Object: Researching objects are buildings or other static structures, for which it is necessary to know the position change from the primary state. Also the external environments of the explored object must allow to place measuring sensors (mass (0,20±0,01) kg) on some parts of object constructions. Actuality: Finding out declinations and settling of buildings is especially important in our region, because there are plenty factors, which stipulates these deformations. The timely discovery of these deformations allows avoiding tragic consequences of buildings destruction, causing people death because of indifferent attitude to buildings exploitation and rare monitoring conducting of the deformation state of buildings constructions (connected with high prices of equipment for monitoring conducting). The application of the developed sensors is especially important for exposure of infringement during construction and exploitation of structures with the mass staying of people. Some causes of deformation: Buildings deformations appear because of the various physical, mechanical, anthropological and other negative factors. Some of them are:
- landslides, carsts, suffosion; - vibration-struck influences; - willful changes of houses construction (for example illegal additional floors building); - mechanical resonance (it is the excited structure vibrations, caused by vibrations of the other structure with the same frequency. Vibrations passed by a resilient environment being between them); - natural factors (thundershowers, hurricanes, squall winds and other); - soil settling (especially if there is soft clay and sand under building foundation); - soil washing out (for buildings, located near-by the ground waters and waters reservoirs); - extraction of ground waters near buildings; - fatigue of metal and other building constructions, natural materials senescence and other causes. Use of sensors depending on their location: Using the designed sensor is possible to define declination of some building parts, depending on the fact, where exactly a sensor will be set. If we set more sensors, more detailed information about object deformation will be obtained. If to set sensors on the overhead building corners, it is possible to get information about building settling. ![]() Picture 1 - Example of first degree building deformation Using the sinus theorem it is possible to write down: ![]() From the obtained equalization it is possible to define value of building settling (segment AC): ![]() As d-value is known beforehand (the angle of declination, determined by construction of the set sensor), we write B using d, applying property of internal angles of triangle: ![]() At simultaneous declination and settling of building it is necessary to apply more complex calculations in the three-dimensional system of coordinates. The example of such declinations can be Pezos elements orientation after some turns against the primary orientation. Existent analogues: Among existent analogues I would like to skate over GPS-systems, which give the opportunity to determine exact coordinates of any interesting point and possess super-higher productivity (5000 points/second), but they did not find application in domestic practice because of huge price. Also there are geodesic systems (leveling method is often used). Although these systems give enough exact results, they take much time and high labor intensive, so they have low productivity. The offered system on the basis of the developed sensors is the most acceptable for buildings monitoring in our region and country conditions, because of a small prime cost, small labor intensive for this system operators and productivity, which is sufficient for foregoing aims.