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Ilyukhin Evgeny Faculty of computer information technologies and automatics Department of Automated Control Systems Group CSD-01a Theme of dissertation: " Development of specialized computer system of processing of tomograms of neoplasms of a liver "Supervisor: Ph. P. Jaroshenko Nikolay Aleksandrovich ![]() |
ResumeMiddle mark in the period of studies in university 4,84. I freely know Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English sufficiently reading and corresponding. I have skills in using programming languages - Borland Pascal, C ++, C ++ Builder, Delphi, Visual Basic; in work with databases - Access, Visual FoxPro, SQL; graphic packages - Flash, Corel, Photoshop, packages MS Office 97/2000/2003, BPwin, ERwin, NetCracker, MathCAD, Matlab. I have an operational experience in 1C. My biographyBirth1984, September, 8th... World stopped for a moment and run again. But this moment has changed world forever. There was one man more ... His destiny was undefined. World havn't get desicion about him. But his first cry was already flying to farest places of Universe. My family (people, who somehow have found out about the event described above, and also had begun to prepare for it for 9 months):
I was born in village of Bogatyr in Velyko – Novoselkovskiy area of Donetsk region. There passed all my childhood. Rural holidays have kept the brightest memories of the childhood in my soul. Because the village is Greek the celebrations also differed national colors. All home-folks gathered for them. There were concerts and competitions arranged, the national meal was prepared. There were 3 kindergartens in my life: 1 - in village and 2 - in Donetsk. I was the inquisitive child, studied to count, read and write with pleasure. School yearsOn September, 1st 1991 I entered 1-st class of school ¹32 of Donetsk. I studied in a class with the profound studying of English and computer science. My favourite subjects were mathematics, physics, chemistry and certainly biology, in fact since the childhood I've dreamed to become the doctor. But up to 8 class teachers considered me as the middling pupil in spite of having no more than 4 - 5 marks "4" in quarters. And in 8 class I extanded the happy ticket: I won the school competition in mathematics, and then took the 2 place on regional competition (I fell short of 1 point up to a victory). Since this moment teachers had stopped to underestimate me. It has allowed me to participate in regional competitions in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and even in Ukrainian language. In 8 class I have passed examinations in Opened Mathematical College (ÎÌC) attached to Donetsk National University. It was very interesting to study there, but I was more interested in medicine that time and in a year I changed OMC for the Small Academy of sciences (SAS) " The Young Physician ". Lectures to us were read by teachers of Donetsk Medical University. In SAS I wrote the first 2 scientific works: the first on a diphtheria, and the second - " myxomatous tumours of heart: revealing, treatment and the forecast ". In 2001 I took away the trophy gold and went to a way which have led me in Donetsk National Technical University. My universitiesThe choice of a profession was really a complicated question. I very strongly wished to enter Donetsk Medical University, but this dream have not been allowed to come true. I perfectly understood, that I practically hadn’t real chances to enter. On preparatory courses I went to Donetsk Institute of Artificial Intelligence. But later I saw a release of " Donetsk polytechnics " where I noticed a speciality " Computer Systems of Diagnostics " (CSD) where the students are trained in two universities: DonNTU and Donetsk Medical University. And I decided to enter CSD. As a result I entered DIAI (on results of examinations) and DonNTU (on results of ratings). The choice in favour of DonNTU and CSD was obvious, because the speciality has been connected both with medicine and with computers. The first year at university was not so easy for me, but later I involved and I received excellent marks in the examinations next sessions. I have never regretted choosing exactly this way, although I was disappointed with amount of knowledge which we got in the medical university. Because of this choice I have opened an amazing world of programming, databases, computer graphics, Internet and a great number of interesting things related to computers. On the second course I have decided not to loose a chance to get the second education at the same time with the first one and entered the specialty "Finances" on the faculty of Professional Development (now is the Institute of aftercertificate education). I perfectly understand, that having some specialities,will help me to find prestigious and highly paid work, therefore I aspire to receive as much as possible knowledge both on diagnostics and on economy and the finances. In 2005ã. I received the bachelor's degree with distinction and have continued training in a magistracy. Though the love to medicine has grown cold during training, nevertheless it has not passed completely. And the desire to accelerate process of an establishment of the true diagnosis to the person too even a little has not gone to anywhere. It has played a leading role in a choice of a theme of dissertation: " Development of specialized computer system of processing of tomograms of neoplasms of a liver ". I hope that the given computer system will allow to reveal tumoral diseases at earlier stage. And the treatment begun in time, frequently more effectively, than begun hardly later, than is necessary! The Head of my dissertation is Ph. P. Jaroshenko Nikolay Aleksandrovich. Bright futureIn the near future I plan to defend successfully the dissertation, and also to write degree work under the finance, to find highly paid work in the large enterprise with prospect of career growth since I consider, that only under such conditions it is possible to open the potential. Probably I shall decide to expand and deepen the theme of dissertation and to continue training in postgraduate study. In future trend prospect I see myself as a director of the large company, that engaged of development and manufacture of the diagnostic equipment and software. I hope development of my firm will help to keep a life and health to many millions of people. |
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