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Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Department: "System of Computer Diagnostics in medicine and engineering"


on theme:



Developped by:            

Master of group SCD-01    

Anton Kokov             

Scientific chief:         

Sekirin A.                


Donetsk - 2006.

1. Actuality and Scientific novelty

    Presently a question in research and study of organs of breathing becomes more actual. Especially researchers were interested by the external breathing. Now development of science and medical diagnostics, researches the respiratory functions of patient on the basis of pneumogram, which we got by the special device «Spirograf». The given device allows to take off the basic parameters of breathing only. However in medicine another vehicle is used for research of the external breathing – it is «Poligraf». This vehicle is multifunction and takes off not only respirator data but also on the whole allows to estimate the functional condition of patient. Other name of the given vehicle – «Lie-detector». On the whole to estimate condition of patient of master's work I will not be, but is my task to analyse breathing functions and maximally estimate the respiratory system of man. For this purpose I develop a specialized computer system(SCS).

2. Aims and tasks of master's work

    Aims: research of the respiratory functions of patient on the basis of pneumogram, which we got by the vehicle «Poligraf», and also the development of SCS for conducting and analysis of researches, and also conclusion of results.


  1. On the base of biophysics department of the DonGMU named after M. Gorky to conduct researches of the respiratory functions of patient on the basis of pneumogram, which we got by the vehicle «Poligraf».
  2. To develop SCS for the got data processing as a result of research in the conditions of different loads acting

3. The main points of master's work

1. Researching respiratory system. Basic indexes characterizing the condition of respiratory system of a patient

    All indexes characterizing being of function of the external breathing can be divided into four groups. Indexes characterizing pulmonary volumes and capacities behave to the first group. To the pulmonary volumes behave: respiratory volume, reserve volume of inhalation, reserve volume of inhalation, reserve volume of exhalation and remaining volume (amount of air, remaining in lights after maximal deep exhalation). To the capacities of lights behave: general capacity (amount of air being in lights after maximal inhalation), capacity of inhalation (amount of air, proper to the respiratory volume and reserve volume of inhalation), vital capacity of lights (consisting of respiratory volume, reserve volume of inhalation and exhalation), functional remaining capacity (amount of air, remaining in lights after quiet exhalation, - remaining air and reserve volume of exhalation).
    Indexes characterizing ventilation of lights behave to the second group: breathing frequency, respiratory volume, minute volume of breathing, minute alveolar ventilation, maximal ventilation of lights, breathing reserve or coefficient of respiratory backlogs.
    Indexes characterizing being of bronchial ability to travel cross-country behave to the third group: forced vital capacity of lights (the Tiffno and Votchala test) and high by volume speed of breathing during inhalation and exhalation (pnevmotahometriya).
    Indexes characterizing efficiency of the pulmonary breathing or interchange of gases are included in a fourth group. To these indexes behave: composition of alveolar air, absorption of oxygen and selection of carbonic acid, gas composition of arterial and vein blood.

2. Review of existent researches and developments. Common spirograf research

    Common spirograficheskoe research enables to define a basic exchange on the amount of the taken oxygen in, depth and breathing frequency, minute volume of breathing, maximal ventilation of lights, factious vital capacity of lights (the Tiffno and Votchala test), coefficient of the use of oxygen, respiratory equivalent Antoni:


Picture 1. Portable digital lung-tester "Spirotest USPTs"

3. Receipt and research of pneumogram. Medical vehicle complex «Poligraf»

    In master's work is developed the specialized computer system for researching respiratory system on the basis of pneumogram. For this purpose it is necessary to develop software allowing to analyse a digital signal, urgent pneumogram, which we got by the medical vehicle complex «Poligraf».
    «Poligraf» – multifunction device. It has the enormous number of functional features by which it is possible to explore most exactly the condition of a patient and give preliminary assessment. It was supplied in research centers only. On the functional filling this device original «lie-detector». The device has the number of advantages, namely: ATSP – 32-channel, that allows to pass simultaneously the great number of data from different pays, and also a vehicle is in a position to change the special pays intended for diagnostics of the patient.
    The chart of transmission from the impulses of tension of thorax to treatment of data file and presentation of them as pneumogram is represented on the picture 2.

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Picture 2. Chart of informative streams

    So, the data processing of pnevmogrammi is taken to the following:
  1. Filtration of signal by different methods
    • without a filter (by default);
    • filter of sliding middle;
    • optimum filter;
    • rekursiv filter.
  2. Exposure of peaks of accordions and determination of inhalation and exhalation
  3. Calculation of basic parameters of the pneumogram
  4. Construction of major description of filter


    As a result of the conducted researches and scientific search practical skills of accumulation were got and collection of information on an interesting subject. I’m got the exhaustive information about being of the studied question in domestic and forign scientific circles.
    Master's work is bases on the basis of mutually beneficial collaboration of two largest universities of the Donetsk region and Ukraine: Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), higher educational establishment of the IV level, and Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky. In this scientific area the researches were not yet conducted in such way, but there are all pre-conditions to successful their completion, and also opening of a new scientific direction.

5. Literature sources


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