Principles of Forecasting: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners

(book review by John Aitchison)

J. Scott Armstrong, University of Pennsylvania. (Kluwer, 2001, ISBN 0-7923-7930-6).

"The Strategic Management Handbook" . New York : McGraw Hill, 1983, pp. 2 - 1 to 2-32.



"Principles of Forecasting" is a review work, a survey of the state-of-the-art of forecasting (very broadly defined), a distillation of the theory and hard-won practical knowledge into a master work. 9 of the 30 papers are authored or co-authored by the editor J. Scott Armstrong, with 39 researchers contributing and over 120 external reviewers.

Let us look first at what it is not: It is not a mathematically oriented text-book, not specifically focused on finance nor for that matter only on time-series forecasting. It does not have the field-specific approach of a book such as "Non-linear time series models in empirical finance" (Philip Hans Franses and Dick van Dijk) nor the in-depth statistical exposition of Chatfield's recent "Time-Series Forecasting", nor is it a step-by-step "how to" such as is presented in "Forecasting Methods and Applications" (Makridakis, Wheelwright and Hyndman) or more recently in "Practical Forecasting for Managers" (Nash and Nash).

What it is: It is a handbook for practitioners (and researchers). Its wide-ranging scope ensures that almost every type of forecasting activity is reviewed and summarized and distilled into principles by an expert in that particular field. So why would a hard-nosed, empirical, finance person be interested in "Principles of Forecasting"? Precisely because of its broad scope. It takes a step back, reviews ALL the evidence about a diverse set of forecasting methodologies and provides a framework against which you can assess your own approaches and tools.

Sometimes we don't have the luxury of good data and lots of it. Sometimes we are breaking new ground and there are no data at all, maybe just some analogous situations... situations in which finance professionals are asked to produce a "forecast" from little or no data or from data that is only marginally relevant to the problem at hand. For example one may be asked to forecast the likely success of a new financial service or product.

"Principles of Forecasting" is the most comprehensive source that I am aware of that specifically discusses in depth the problems that arise when there is insufficient objective data. A flowchart at the back of the book (and also available on the Principles of Forecasting website) splits forecasting problems into those with or without sufficient data. There are further splits in this methodology recommendation tree, but suffice it to say that there are 10 terminal leaves ranging from "expert forecasting" to "econometric methods" which then feed back into a further decision box on the utility of combining forecasts. Chapter 12 of "Principles of Forecasting" works through procedures for selecting forecasting methods and for this tree in detail.

If you are one of those people who 'randomly sample' a new book, particularly a large book -- and Principles of Forecasting IS a large book, weighing in at 738 pages prior to the Reviewer List, Author profiles, and the Forecasting Dictionary (64 pages) --  by choosing pages more or less at random, reading more here and less there, running your eye over the subject index -then you are likely to find topics like 'measurement of purchase intentions', 'improving judgment in forecasting', 'forecasting with con-joint analysis' as well as the more tra-ditional forecasting topics. If these do not fit your 'mental model' of what forecasting is about, do not despair.

The handbook uses the term 'forecasting' in a much more all embracing fashion than econometricians and statisticians might normally do, but there is plenty of material on time-series forecasting -- this is the subject of several specific chapters (Chapter 8 'Extrapolation', Chapter 11 'Econometric Methods', part of Chapter 15 'Assessing Uncertainty', Chapter 7 'Analogies', and parts of Chapter 18 'Applications of Principles').

The meaning of 'Principles' is outlined on page 3 under the heading "What do we mean by principles?" The purpose of this book is to summarize knowledge of forecasting as a set of principles. These 'principles' represent advice, guidelines,  prescriptions, condition-action statements, and rules." It goes on to explain that the principles should be supported by empirical evidence, the authors describe and summarize the evidence where possible and identify 'speculative principles' and those 'based on expert judgment' as such.

The titles listed below will give an idea of its scope and, in a move that should be more broadly emulated, abstracts for each chapter are available on the website -so you can "try before you buy". The papers are:

"Role Playing: A Method to Forecast Decisions"

"Methods for Forecasting from Intentions Data"

"Improving Judgmental Forecasts"

"Improving Reliability of Judgmental Forecasts"

"Decomposition for Judgmental Forecasting and Estimation"

"Expert Opinions in Forecasting: Role of the Delphi Technique"

"Forecasting with Conjoint Analysis"

"Judgmental Bootstrapping: Inferring Experts' Rules for Forecasting"

"Forecasting Analogous Time Series"

"Extrapolation of Time Series and Cross-Sectional Data"

"Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting"

"Rule-based Forecasting: Using Judgment in Time-Series Extrapolation"

"Expert Systems for Forecasting"

"Econometric Forecasting"

"Selecting Forecasting Methods"

"Judgmental Time Series Forecasting Using Domain Knowledge"

"Judgmental Adjustments of Statistical Forecasts"

"Combining Forecasts"

"Evaluating Forecasting Methods"

"Prediction Intervals for Time Series"

"Overconfidence in Judgmental Forecasting"

"Scenarios and Acceptance of Forecasts"

"Learning from Experience: Coping with Hindsight Bias and Ambiguity"

"Population Forecasting"

"Forecasting the Diffusion of Innovations: Implications for Time Series Extrapolation"

"Econometric Models for Forecasting Market Share"

"Forecasting Trial Sales of New Consumer Packaged Goods"

"Diffusion of Forecasting Principles through Books"

"Diffusion of Forecasting Principles: An Assessment of Forecasting Software Programs"

"Standards and Practices for Forecasting"

Some papers of special interest to finance professionals are listed below. We start with those that relate more to situations in which judgment is involved (or the formal data is limited or not directly applicable) and
then move to the more "hard core" time-series related papers.

"Expert Opinions in Forecasting: Role of the Delphi Technique"

Expert opinion is obviously one way of getting a 'forecast', but there is a great deal more to it than getting a bunch of guys and gals to sit around in a meeting. The Delphi technique, a structured group process for eliciting and combining expert judgments has been widely used and widely criticized. This paper examines the proper application of Delphi, contrasts it with traditional group meetings and the Nominal Group Technique, and arrives at 11 principles for the design and application of structured group forecasting techniques. The contributing authors to "Principles of Forecasting" have done us a great service in their synthesis of theory and evidence and their dedication to "getting it right", and I highly recommend a close study of this chapter to anyone in the situation of having to use structured group elicitation of forecasts from experts.

"Forecasting with Conjoint Analysis"

Conjoint analysis is widely known in the market research community but probably less so to finance professionals... there is, of course, no reason why the techniques cannot be applied to (new) financial products and services, as well as to packaged goods, and indeed we have done so. This paper provides an overview of the conjoint procedure and conditions under which conjoint should work well. For those unfamiliar with conjoint and its close cousin SPDCM (Stated Preference Discrete Choice Modeling), the underlying idea is that a model can be built of the relationship between (stated) preferences and product or service attributes. This is accomplished by exposing survey or group respondents to a number of hypothetical scenarios (which have been developed by varying the product attributes according to an appropriate experimental design) and asking for "preferences" or "choices". Models can be fit to this data with regression or maximum likelihood estimation of multinomial
logit models.

"Judgmental Bootstrapping (ex-joint analysis)"

Judgmental bootstrapping is a novel  procedure proposed by J. Scott Armstrong to "predict what an expert would predict". He also suggests the somewhat more appropriate name "ex-joint analysis" drawing on its conceptual relationship to conjoint analysis. Another name for the area is "policy capturing" -- a type of expert system based on an expert's opinions and cues. Models are typically estimated by ordinary least squares. This is an intriguing approach and while the applications to date have been limited, Professor Armstrong provides guidance as to situations in which such an approach might profitably be applied. He concludes that ex-joint analysis can provide more accurate forecasts than unaided judgments especially when the prediction problem is complex, the model can be reliably estimated and the experts have valid knowledge about relationships.

"Forecasting Analogous Time Series"

The chapter on "analogies" concentrates on pooling analogous time-series. It is not thus about analogies in the broader sense and for a brief discussion of some of the uses of analogies we recommend "Forecasting Methods and Applications"  Makridakis, Wheelwright and Hyndman -- Chapter 9 p. 466) in which an analogy between five important inventions of the
Industrial Revolution and corresponding ones of the Information Revolution is explored. This chapter concentrates on Bayesian pooling to "borrow strength from neighbors".

In situations in which organizations have to forecast hundreds or thousands of time series it might be expected that these series include several sets of "analogous time series" e. g. sales of the same products in different geographic areas might be expected to co-vary positively over time. That co-variation can be put to work in increasing the precision of estimates and adapting readily to pattern  changes, while being somewhat robust to outliers.

The suggested process essentially involves standardizing each of the time series (in the analogous group), and pooling the time period such that the resultant data has multiple data points per time period. In spite of the lack of a wide literature on pool-ing as an area of forecasting there are some attractive ideas in this chapter and I particularly recommend it to those dealing with large numbers of time series. At the other end of the scale the author suggests that pooling might be applicable to micro-scale time-series models, those in which intermittent demand leads to a series with many zeros and where Croston's smoothing might usually be applied.

"Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting"

This short but highly readable chapter on the use of Neural Networks in time-series forecasting includes comparisons between neural nets and traditional models -the Faraway and Chatfield 1998 paper "Time-Series Forecasting and Neural Networks" is discussed, as is some more recent work using data from the M-competition. Neural networks are attractive to many practitioners because of their flexibility and inherent non-linearity, but there has been significant controversy about their application to the time-series domain. The authors remain optimistic about the potential for neural networks for situations with discontinuities in the data or for forecasting longer time horizons. A set of principles is supplied for a sensible application of neural net techniques.

"Extrapolation of Time Series and Cross-Sectional Data"

The chapter on "Extrapolation" is a gentle introduction to time-series and contains a lot of common sense and useful guidelines. It emphasizes the principle of simplicity and recommends a simple representation of trend, unless there is evidence to the contrary. The chapter contains a discussion of the empirical evidence to support this and refers to the results of the M-competition. (The M forecasting  competitions are well known to time-series analysts, but perhaps not so well known outside that sphere, and this chapter gives pointers to the key results of the competition,  in which one technique is pitted
against another).

"Econometric Forecasting"

This chapter (by Geoffrey Allen, Department of Resource Economics, University of Massachusetts, and Robert Fildes, The Management School, Lancaster University) is highly readable and accessible to non-econometricians : there is a refreshing level of understated humor throughout. It starts "Econo-magic and economic tricks are two of the pejorative terms its detractors use to describe the art and science of econometrics. No doubt, these terms are well deserved in many instances", but then goes on to discuss the source of the problems, and gives a brief but illuminating history of econometric forecasting and the 1925 work of Charles Sarle in forecasting  the price of hogs. And thence to "Unfortunately for forecasters, research by econometricians has not focused on what works best with real-world data but on which particular method would be optimal if a standard assumption is violated in some well-defined way".

They go on to explain "The principal tool of the econometrician is regression analysis, using several causal variables..... compared with univariate modeling, multivariate analysis opens up many more choices for the investigator ......". They identify the funda-mental principle as being to "aim for a relatively simple model for specifi-cation", relatively being a keyword in this context. There is discussion of the fact that an econometric model can be too simple and the KISS (Keep It Sophisticatedly Simple) principle of Zellner, the econometric axiom that any model is a misspecification and what is wanted is a model and
estimation procedure that is robust to misspecification. Gilbert's 1995 Monte Carlo study "Combining VaR estimation and State Space model reduction for simple good predictions" is used as support for the argument of parsimony.

An 8-step strategy for econometric forecasters is proposed, starting from the eminently sensible "define the objectives of the modeling effort". Statements like this are all too easily dismissed as motherhood, but the thoughtful analyst will recognize that the objective can radically influence the model form and estimation methodology. Each of these 8 steps is loosely discussed in compact but sufficient  detail and there are subsections within each of the 8 steps. For example, there is much discussion about the use of disaggregated data and aggregating forecasts and the evidence to support the bottom-up approach.

Most of the discussion centers around using VaR models (Vector Auto-Regression) estimated using ordinary least squares. Econometricians and non-econometricians alike will find the discussion of co-integration and ECM (Error Correction Models) and the range of possibilities illuminating. There is even a reference to the classic "A Drunk and Her Dog" article (Murray 1994) which describes co-integration thus "As they wander home, the dog and its owner may make their own little detours but will never be far apart. But a drunk and someone else's dog will wander their separate ways". The conclusion of the chapter presents 23 principles of econometric forecasting and for each the conditions under which it applies and the evidence to support the recommendation.  A review of this material is highly recommended.

"Integrating, Adjusting and Combining Procedures"

The three papers in this chapter address the issues of a combination of judgment and hard forecasts, the adjustment of statistical forecasts and the combination of forecasts from different methods.

(1) "Judgmental Time Series Forecasting Using Domain Knowledge," Richard Webby, Marcus O'Connor, and Michael Lawrence, University of South Wales

(2) "Judgmental Adjustments of Statistical Forecasts," Nada R. Sanders, Department of Management Science, Wright State University and Larry P. Ritzman, Operations and Strategic Management, Boston College

(3) "Combining Forecasts," J. Scott Armstrong

Combining forecasts is an area of great interest as it holds out the promise of a combined forecast being more accurate than the individual components. Professor Armstrong reviews 57 studies relating to combining forecasts and presents a useful set of principles to employ in forecast combination.

"Prediction Intervals for Time Series"

In the opinion of the reviewer, this paper (by the well known Chris Chatfield, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath) is one of the most lucid and important papers in "Principles of Forecasting". It addresses the important issue of estimating prediction intervals and thus providing interval forecasts as well as the more usual point forecasts. Time-series specialists will undoubtedly be aware of Dr Chatfield's most recent book "Time-Series Forecasting" which addresses many of the issues touched upon here.

For those not familiar with a prediction interval it is "an interval estimate for an unknown future value" and the terminology is preferred to the term 'confidence interval'. Density forecasting, the problem of the complete probability distribution of some future value, is a related topic. Chatfield draws a clear distinction between forecasting method and the model, a method being a rule or formula for computing a point forecast, which may or may not be based on a model. For example, exponential smoothing is a method based on a model. Models, of course, permit one to compute theoretical prediction intervals which may not be the case with methods.

Much of the balance of the chapter focuses on the computation of Prediction Intervals (PIs), the reasons for their not being computed routinely or being computed incorrectly, the effects of model uncertainty on PIs, and the reasons underlying the common observation that computed PIs are too narrow. Theoretical formulae are available for computing PIs for various classes of time-series models and some methods, and Chatfield gives references and discusses these. He suggests that such theoretical formulae might better be called "true model" formulae because they assume there is a true known model and that the model parameters are known exactly. Of course the parameters have to be estimated from the data and the effect of parameter uncertainty can be non-trivial, in certain circumstances. Selecting the correct model is clearly of major importance and an example is given of fitting two plausible models to the same dataset yielding two very different PIs. Chatfield makes the important  point a wider PI is not necessarily "bad" and in that particular situation  was in fact more realistic. There is a brief discussion of the pitfalls of approximate formulae: Interested readers should refer to Chatfield "Time-Series Forecasting" books for more information.

Computationally intensive methods including bootstrapping are discussed, including the Williams and Goodman procedure of sequential data splitting and refitting, which Chatfield suggests is now due for reassessment. He also makes the point that bootstrapping sometimes gives poor results and mentions some of the difficulties of bootstrapping time-series. There is some discussion on the use of Bayesian approaches, both for finding the complete predictive distribution and for Bayesian model averaging.

"Evaluating Forecasting Methods," J. Scott Armstrong

Professor Armstrong provides a broad overview of the evaluation task ending with a useful evaluation checklist. It points up the need to compare methods against reasonable alternatives, to use multiple competing hypotheses to test the underlying assumptions, to evaluate the outputs by replication and assess outputs by prespecified criteria (in order to avoid the tendency of people to reject disconfirming evidence). There is a discussion on alternative error measures and a recommendation to avoid root mean square errors (RMSE) for comparisons across series.

"Diffusion of Forecasting Principles: An Assessment of Forecasting Software Programs"

The focus of the paper (by Leonard J.Tashman, University of Vermont, and Jim Hoover, U. S. Navy) is the degree to which forecasting software programs facilitate "best practice". This is probably of most interest to decision makers attempting to standardize on a forecasting software package or to those who need to audit some forecasting practices.

Although it is difficult to come up with a summary score it would appear that forecasting software is about "halfway there" -that is, about 50% of forecasting principles are implemented across all software evaluated. However the area of prediction interval forecasting, not surprisingly, remains an area of weakness. The authors conclude that best forecasting practices cannot readily be achieved within the spreadsheet medium, and that in general the dedicated business forecasting programs for forecasting time-series data are more likely to provide forecasting best practice implementation than general statistical packages.

"Standards of Practice"

The last chapter of the book presents a somewhat daunting list of some 139 forecasting principles in 16 categories. The authors themselves recognize their 139 principles might be too many but point out that only some of them would be applicable in any given situation. As well as the 139 principles the chapter contains a brief discussion on auditing forecasts, and represents the 139 principles as a checklist (which is also available from the website). It seems reasonable that this be used, given its  extensive peer review, as the benchmark for auditing procedures.

In conclusion, this is a book to have on hand, not something which you sit down and read from cover to cover in one weekend. It is a resource of depth, scope and value. It might be thought that breadth connotes shallowness, and an expert in a particular aspect of forecasting might find coverage of his or her particular area of expertise somewhat thin. While as a generality that may be true, the work of the domain experts in summarizing and distilling the evidence results in a clear statement of a set of  principles: Those principles are thought provoking even to a domain expert. Its broad scope and thorough summary of the available evidence make it a valuable guide for any quantitative professional venturing into an unfamiliar area of forecasting: its clear statement of principles in that area encourages 'best practice' and com-munication of that best practice and the supporting evidence to the end user.

The Forecasting Principles website contains much useful information about the book and forecasting issues and practices. A detailed table of contents, with links to abstracts of each of the 30 papers (this is a particularly nice touch), is available at, and the methodology tree at


Chatfield, C (2001) "Time-Series Forecasting", London: Chapman & Hall

Faraway, J. & Chatfield, C. (1998) "Time-series forecasting with neural networks: A comparative study using the airline data" Applied Statistics, 47, 231-250

Franses, P. H. & van Dijk, D (2000) "Non-linear time series models in empirical finance", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Gilbert, P. D. (1995)," Combining VAR estimation and state space model reduction for simple good predictions" Journal of Forecasting, 14, 229-250

Makridakis, C., Wheelwright, S. C. and Hyndman, R. J. (1998) "Forecasting Methods and Applications" (3'rd ed), New York: Wiley

Murray, M. P. (1994), "A drunk and her dog: An illustration of cointegration and error correction" American Statistician, 48, 37-39

Nash, J. C. & Nash, M. M. (2001), "Practical Forecasting For Managers", London: Arnold

John Aitchison is Director of DataSciencesResearch ( an independentresearch design, analysis, evaluation and audit consultancy.