Lukashova Lidiya Sergeevna  


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Donetsk National Technical University

Faculty: Computer informational technologies and automatition
Speciality: Automated control systems

The theme of masters work: "The computerised subsystem of diagnostics and monitoring of a condition of the mountain machine (on an example of coal-mining combine 1КДК500)"


Supervisor of a scientific reserch: c. t. s. Krasik Yakov l'vovich

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The Abstract for Master's Work


This project is the first stage of a research program which has as its primary aim the introduction and development of subsystem of monitoring of a coal machine (SMB) its maintenance practices into underground coal mining operations.
Subsystem of monitoring of a coal machine is an activity in which selected parameters associated with machinery operation are observed, so that the machinery can be more effectively maintained, to provide increased machine reliability and a reduction in the loss of production due to unscheduled machinery breakdown. It has to widely accepted by maintenance personnel as the most effective maintenance strategy and is being increasingly utilised in many industries worldwide.
Some of such systems have already introduced to the coal face. It was an extension of existing systems practice into a difficult environment. Unfortunately, the lack of intrinsically safe sensors, systems and data communications networks has meant that systems has been applied to a limited extent in hazardous zones in underground coal mines.
This situation is beginning to change with the certification of data collectors and other condition monitoring equipment. Demonstration of the effectiveness of SMB at the face is one way of ensuring the continuing development of equipment for intrinsically safe (IS) applications.

Project Objectives

Broadly, the aim of this project is to examine the ways in which monitoring the condition of underground mining equipment can lead to more effective maintenance practices and to increased machine reliability and availability. Machine reliability/availability is one of the major limits to increasing the productivity of underground coal mines. Improved maintenance practices should therefore lead to improved productivity.
The aim of this project is covered by a set of specific objectives. These objectives are to:
Provide the scope and evaluate the requirements for effective on-line SMB of underground mining equipment.
Identify and prioritise mining equipment for which SMB will provide a major benefit, and outline the resources required to facilitate such monitoring.
Demonstrate the viability of SMB by adapting existing IS instrumentation to the monitoring of mining equipment located in hazardous areas underground.
Determine the system specifications of a dedicated IS monitoring system and data communications protocol, which could be developed at a later stage of the research program.

Control System for 1KDK500


For the first time it is developed mathematical and program maintenance (software) of system which covers all technological levels of modern mine and protection of mine due to the continuous control, diagnostics and the forecast provides secure.
The initial data of developed subsystems were exemined with the purpose of their application in development of the software of different devices of a computer network.
The analysis of the information of subsystems SMB and its distribution for different levels of a computer network and different users.
Mathematical methods of an estimation and forecasting of danger of conducting process of coal output were offered and their components.
In master's work the subsystem of diagnostics and monitoring of a condition of the mountain machinewas developed, its mathematical and program maintenance (software) which covers all technological levels of modern mine and provides protection of mine due to the continuous control, diagnostics and the forecast. There were considered initial data of developed subsystems with the purpose of their further application in development of the software of different devices of a computer network. The analysis of the information of subsystem SMB was made and its distribution for different levels of a computer network and different users have been lead. There were definite and offered mathematical methods of an estimation and forecasting of danger of conducting process of coal output and its components. Executed theoretical and experimental researches were put into basis of created subsystem SMB testify of the fidelity of the selected direction and should be used at the further stages of its development. During development of subsystem SMB the calculated parameters of efficiency revealing of parameters of danger at initial stages have been concretized.
Developed subsystem has an opportunity for independent use, and in structure of main system. Main system is opened and can be added by other subsystems aimed to increase safety of works of collieries.
Developed mathematical and software of subsystem SMB will enable to optimize control process by separating technological lines of mine and mine as a whole.

Table of authorities

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