Outlines management.
Management is the set of principles, methods, means and forms of the economic subject management to improve its activity efficiency , to reduce costs and increase profits. The basic methods of management, are: the situational approach, strategic planning and a goals management. The primary goals of management are decision making and their informant. The management problems decision is reached by definition of goal achievement ways administrative decisions realization. Strategy is the general program revealing problems priorities and resources for the primary goal achievement. It formulates primary goal and the basic ways for their achievement, to give the enterprise a common trend.
Strategic management or strategic management is a process of making strategic decisions and their realization. It’s central part is the strategic choice based on the comparison of in house resource of the enterprise and its environment.
The beginning of the XXIst century is the time of an extremely intensive development of information computer technologies, the time of their introduction in all spheres of technological processes and in a human life as a whole. The information really became the same objective reality, as well as the subjects surrounding us. So, there is an insistent need to develop the hardware and software for information intensive processing, that allow to save time, human efforts and allow to find new ways for life improvement.
In few of the aforesaid, both management and computer technologies are actual for today therefore, the system engineering on "joint" of these sciences is possible. In the master’s work the development of computer decision support system is planned at strategic management.
Stages of strategic planning:
The purpose: to develop the support decision-making system for strategic operation of business
A result of master’s work is the mathematical model considering factors influencing the gild and the price of production.
The developed mathematical model can be used at a strategic management of any industrial enterprise in dynamically varying conditions.
Strategic planning of the company activity is the most complicated many-sided problem. The basic concepts positions, approaches considered in the given course work, concerns only a small part of aspects of its decision. The particular attention is demanded with consideration of the problem statement features the depending on a level of hierarchy of developed strategy - from a level of the single goods and services up to a level of the companies as a whole. A separate interesting problem is the mechanism of realization of chosen strategy.
Strategic planning is one of the most important functions of strategic management. It provides a basis for development of economically expedient administrative decisions, realization of the basic functions in the company (the organization, marketing, the account, the control, the analysis) and motivation. Strategic planning should not be considered as a guarantee of the future success. However the modern rate of changing and increasing in knowledge is so great, that strategic planning is the unique way of formal forecasting of the future problems and opportunities. It provides for the top management the tools for long-term plan creation. The potential advantages the development of the strategic plan, gives are: