My name is Aldohin Alexey Anatoljevich. I was born on August, 23, 1984 in Donetsk, in a pharmacist’s and mechanic’s family. My mum, Aldohina Raisa Ivanovna, and my dad, Aldohin Anatoly Evgenjevich, had instilled in me the most necessary in my opinion features of character such as modesty, diligence and persistence since the childhood. They imparted to me love to sports and communication.
In 1991 I entered primary school ¹20 in Donetsk and I became simultaneously started took up in ball dances. It was wise to combine study and hobbies, but a couple of years later I had to throw dances because of serious interested in a kickboxing. I took part in competitions in this kind of sports, took up prize-winning places. But some years later again I had to leave this sport to my health and nerves of my parents.
I wasn’t particularly interested in studying in primary school because I couldn’t find an interesting subject for me, but in the senior classes I took to exact sciences and took an active participation in a public life of school. Maybe it can be strange enough but I managed to do everything: to participate in contest on mathematics and even reached the regional level, and to take part in dances competitions between schools.
My out-of-school life was very various since I again took to variety dances at a professional level. I visited many cities of Ukraine together with dancing ensemble. In seamier classes I understood that it was necessary to choose – either higher education or dances. The choice was obvious, I began my preparation from university.
It wasn’t difficult for me to choose a speciality, I chose «Technology of mechanical engineering » because here I could find all that I was interested in: the exact sciences, development of logic thinking, orientation in space.
In 2001, I submitted my documents for taking ratings at DONETSK NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY and I got 56 points from 60 possible. I entered a mechanical faculty, a speciality « Technology of mechanical engineering ».
At first studying at university was not very difficult for me as I had thought. It enabled me to work and earn as DJ in the evenings. But already during the third year of studying I began to study subjects on my speciality, and I became seriously studying, put all extraneous affairs aside because of lack of time. It enabled me to prove myself: I participated in contest on resistant of materials where I won the first place among universities of Donbass, in conferences, and also I published an article in a magazine "Engineer" (2005).
In 2005 I passed examination for the bachelor, and I received diploma with honor and decided to do master’s degree course.
After master’s degree I am planning to do a postgraduate course. It will give me a good push for my further activity which I would like to devote to development of new technologies at mechanical engineering field, and at successful coincidence of circumstances to have business in this area and as a result of my work would be salary level. Probably, by this time I will need an economic education, which let me grow materially and spiritually, and don’t stop at level which I have reached.