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The Monitoring System
can be considered as made up of a number of sections: the vibration pickup
section; the monitoring section that continuously monitors vibration levels both
broadband and narrowband; and the datasection that is used for data storage and
management of the machine condition data. Off-line data can be entered into the
system from a tape recorder for periodic monitoring.
The system was developed by the Brtiel
& Kjaer System Development Group, specifically for the needs of Statoil. It
is not a standard production item.
Vibration Pickup.
Vibration pickup is made by
acceler-ometers permanently mounted on the monitored machines. These are highly
sensitive, rugged transducers capable of withstanding long periods in "harsh"
environments. The accelerom-eters are certified as intrinsically safe for use in
the potentially explosive atmosphere present in the petrochemical plant. Signals
from these acceler-ometers are routed via preamplifiers to a local control room.
Broadband Monitoring.
Vibration signals are routed first to a
number of Local Monitors, located in the local control room, where the broadband
monitoring is carried out. Each monitor has 16 parallel vibration channels and 4
logic inputs. The logic inputs are used to automatically activate and passify
vibration channels on machine start up and shut down.
The Local Monitor registers the
vibration signals at one second intervals, and compares the RMS, Peak and Spike
Energy levels with preset limits. If any of the preset limits are exceeded, a
message is sent to the central computer and a warning given on an alarm printer.
In addition to monitoring the signal
levels every second, the Local Monitor compiles and stores 1 minute and 24 hour
average levels. The 1 minute average is used for a trend alarm, where the
percentage increase of the average value is compared with a preset limit, a
warning being given in the event of the limit being exceeded. Both the one
minute and 24 hour average values can also be called up from the central
computer for trend curve displays.
Narrowband Monitoring.
For narrowband monitoring, the system's
FFT analyzer transforms the time signal into a spectrum of narrowband frequency
components. This allows monitoring with a far better resolution than with
broadband monitoring. The central computer directs analogue signals from the
Local Monitors to the system's Frequency Analyzer. To obtain a sufficient
frequency resolution in the high as well as low frequencies, the system takes a
number of narrowband spectra and combines them together to form one
constant-percentage-bandwidth spectrum. In such a spectrum the bandwidth is a
percentage of the centre frequency, and the same resolution (user chosen between
4% and 23%) is obtained over the whole frequency range.
By recording one of these
constant-percentage-bandwidth spectra when the machine is in "good" condition
(this is then called the Reference Spectrum) and adding a tolerance, a Reference
Mask is formed. Subsequent spectra are then compared to this Reference Mask (a
procedure called the Spectrum Comparison), and any frequency components that
increase to a level above the Mask will be reported.
Automatic spectrum comparison normally
takes place every 3 hours for each monitoring point. However, in the event of an
alarm, the analysis speed will automatically be increased to 1/2 hourly
intervals for the appropriate channel. To study the variation of the vibration
levels with time, trend analysis can be performed. This can either be carried
out at single frequencies or over frequency ranges. The system's large data-base
allows a large number of spectra to be stored and used in the trend analysis,
thus giving a good overview of the behaviour of the vibration level and allowing
predictions of when the levels will become critical. The lead time to a preset
danger level is also calculated.
located a fault, the engineer in charge can interrupt the system's automatic
scan mode and then use the high powered diagnostic functions of the FFT Analyzer
to diagnose the cause of the fault.
Off-line Monitoring.
Vibration data from the periodic
measurement program are recorded on a 4-channel tape recorder for later
play-back into the system. Play-back is carried out via the system's FFT
Analyzer, and the vibration data is then handled as with the on-line (permanent)
system, i.e. by performing spectrum comparison, trend analysis etc.
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