Urgency of my work is to investigate a possibility to increase the actual period of exploitations of the roller of the mine conveyor due to the changes in construction, process of the fabrication of the details and process of the assembly of this mechanism. By means of constructive technological factors it is possible vastly to reduce beating the roller of the conveyor, as follows beating to axis, beating the bearing house with bearing and reduction of beating to fitting surface of the pipe.It is possible to reduce beating of the whole roller and raise his longevity and toughness. The Second way is develop new construction butt end seals that too will affect positively longevity of the roller of the conveyor.
At present roller conveyors are used in different branches of industry. The Roller conveyors may form the complex transport systems, having greater length, numerous branching and crossing the routes, rectilinear and curvilinear sections, transferring and selection device, drives, brake rollers, lifting device and tables, as well as the other elements, serving purpose of the creation a full complex mechanization and automations production.
In practice three constructive types of roller are used: on half-axis, made with flange at the same time; with end-to-end revolving together with roller by axis ( in both events with bearing, located outside of roller) and with still axis and bearing, located inwardly roller. It is dominating in practical person conveyor designing. This type of the roller allows to simplify the base of the roller and locate rollers with lesser clearance on it (in which can be bent and wedged tape). In hanging joint roller this type is essentially single practically possible.
The Other direction is a refusal of more labour-consuming conveyor at usages of the system seasonly renewed lubrificant and using (as the basic) of the system of lubrificant, impragrant for the whole lifetime of the roller (or till it repair). The Realization of this direction is connected with creation of new efficient sealing device, providing high hermetic and not causing observable increase the resistance to rotation roller. This requirement satisfy is applicable in different combination labyrinth, as well as butt end of the seal and springy defensive rings.
1. Development of stands for undertaking frictions test
2. Research of the ratio and moment of friction
3. Research of the wear-out frictions surfaces butt end seal
4. Development of rational construction butt end seal of the roller of the mine conveyor
5. Determination of the material butt end seal
6. Development of the constructive decision butt end seal
7. Determination of the stresses, acting in zone of friction
8. Experimental research of capacity of butt end seal
9. Research of the influence state of working and conditions of the oiling on ratio of friction
10. Research of the influence state of working and conditions of the oiling on wear-out frictions surfaces
Scientific novelty of the work is a complex research construction of the roller of the mine conveyor, confirmed experimental data.
Roller should meet the following requirements: minimum and stable under different condition of the exploitations resistance to rotation; provision to toughness and longevity, defined not less than three-year period of the functioning without repair; minimum care at exploitations. The Particularities of the functioning of the roller conveyor are connected with disadvantage condition. To such condition it it possible to refer:
raised moisture of the air, presence of weighted abrasive particles (dust), functioning under variable load and the other factors, which prevent normal functioning of the roller at scheduled period.
The Main reason of roller failure is a bearing packaging - i.e. contamination it dust and/or different abrasive ambience that brings about its stop, but hereupon - to breakage. The Actual period of the no-failure operation of the roller in working conditions forms 720-800 hours. In this connection problems, which in the first place are necessary to decide - are reduction of beating the roller and protection bearing node from disadvantage ambiences.
The Resource roller is it bearing full tilt defined by longevity of the functioning (from 5000 till 12500 hours of the no-failure operation), which is defined: 1) by reliability of protection bearing from hit at then aggressive ambience (water, dust); 2) by accuracy of the fabrication and assemblies, which influences upon dynamic load on full tilts; 3) by provision boarding the bearing in body and on axis of the roller.
Under grinding ceramics, either as when processing other frail non-metallic material, appear frail deformation.
Hereupon happens forming the large number of frail deformation. They are a concentrator of the stresses, form on surfaces of the ready detail defective layer, which vastly lowers the quality of the made product.
The Reduction of defective layer can be due to the reduction of the depth of the cutting t and reductions of the S. But necessary regimes negatively affect on capacity, as well as on size and weight of the equipmen which is used.
Besides, to ware products it is necessary to provide processed surface.
Accuracy of the fabrication and assemblies is specified in product by beating medicine to be taken externally pipes, which must not exceed 1,5% of the outside diametr of the roller D.
Beating the roller is a total result to inexactnesses of the fabrication and assemblies of it details, value which is possible to define from following scheme.
Picture 1 – Scheme of the roller beating
If to suppose that sharing of the value of beating pertain towards the law exentricity (since beating is a vector inaccuracy with sharing greatly positive values), that resulting beating according to accepted dimensioned chain of the roller is possible to define with the probabilistic method.
Value beating and dispersions of result measurements on detail of the roller under accepted TP shall be defined out of experiment at volume of the samples (the amount of the measured details is 25).
We shall Define beating of the roller.
Experimental value of the roller beating forms:
The Field of the diffusing of experimental values for beating the roller forms
Butt end seal consists of of three elements: two rings (revolving and still), forming flat pair of friction, and springy element, providing contact in pair of friction (the rice 2). The Revolving ring 3 hermetically connected with shaft 1 by means of springy element 2, which provides the constant thick contact an rings 3 and 4 at vibrations and displacing of the shaft, as well as wear-out element pair of friction. Clearance in pair of friction defines leakages to liquids or gas, residing at worker space machines, device or mechanism 5 under pressure r.
Picture 2 - Scheme of the butt end seal
The Important factors, defining constructive particularities of the compaction, are: diameter and frequency of the rotation of the shaft, its beating and possible displacing, allowed size of the compaction, condition of its assembly and stripping when change.
The perspective of the future researches is an introduction of new construction of the roller in production.
1.2 Review of existing material
1.3 List of the problems solved in the work
1.4 Scientific novelty
2. Main part
2.1 General provisions
, herewith
details is found within specified tolerance.
Thereby accounting and experimental values of beating the roller practically coincide(agree).
If expect that value pertains towards the law of exentricity, that
The Field of the diffusing forms
, herewith
details are found within this tolerance.
3. The Conclusion.
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