Mechanical faculty
Metal-cutting machine tools and systems
Theme of master's work:"Improvement the way of the study parameters of working surfaces diamond circles by the profilography method".
Leader of work:
Matuha P.G.
Abstract of the Masters work:
General characteristic of work
The Urgency of the problem. Release of competitive machine-building production is closely connected with sharp
rise of a technological level of manufactured machines, increase of reliability and maitenance in operation, increase of their accuracy
and in labour productivity. The decision of these problems is possible due to using of the heightened durability materials and wear resistance,
creation of nonconventional method of processing.
At present one of the high-efficiency technological processes providing high quality of processing, is
diamond grinding by wheel on metal sheaf with electroerosional influence on the working surface of a wheel
(WSC) which can be carried out by introducing a technological current in to a zone of cutting or in an
independent zone.
At the same time, there are no scientific bases, concerning the automatic stabilization of output technological
parameters of a process with maintenance of cutting abilities of a wheel whill processing of hard-processed
Thus, a problem of electroerosive efficiency increase straightening of diamond wheel and grindings of
hard-processed materials due to maintenance of cutting abilities of a wheel during grinding is an actual
scientific problem.
Researches were made on faculty «Metal-cutting machine tools and systems» of Donetsk national technical
The Purpose of the work. The Purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency and quality of processing
of hard-processed materials by diamond grinding due to increase of cutting abilities of a working surface of a
wheel and reduction of auxiliary time, and also increase of efficiency and expansion of technological
opportunities of diamond grinding.
Technology of research. In a technology experimental methods of research with use of one factor and
multifactor experiments are used. Special devices, adaptations and the computer have also been used.
Scientific novelty. The given installation allows to automate process of data recording and their
processing and in further it will be used to research a relief of the diamond wheel filled in the electroerosive
way. Such method of research of a diamond wheel relief will allow to reduce expenses of time.