Donetsk national technical university
Faculty: "Mechanical"
Speciality: "Technology of mashinbuilding"
Master's work: "Technological providing of quality of flat surfaces taking into account operating properties"
Science chief: associate professor, Cand.of Tech.Sc. IVCHENKO Tatiyana Georgievna
Actuality of theme: The increase of efficiency of tooling is the major task of modern machine-building, including achievement of the most high performance of treatment with providing of the set level of quality of superficial layer of details. The decision of this task presently can be attained due to the choice of the most rational methods of treatment of details, and also due to the ground of optimum level of parameters of treatment, providing the best performance or minimum unit price. From the point of providing the quality of superficial layer the task of ground of final method of treatment of crucial surfaces of details determining operating properties of goods on the whole is most actual.
Purpose of work: To promote productivity and quality of treatment of flat surfaces of details of machines due to the choice of rational parameters of treatment; to develop the mathematical model of optimization of the modes of cutting at the high-speed milling.
Scientific novelty: As a result of the conducted theoretical and experimental researches the important practical task of determination of parameters of roughness of superficial layer is decided. Simplified dependences of parameter of roughness on the serve which have been received are used to optimize the modes of the combined treatment. Optimization is carried out with the use of one of the most widespread presently method of the linear programming allowing to carry out simultaneous optimization of speed of cutting and serve on the criterion of the best performance taking into account limitations operating at working.
Practical value: The received analytical dependences allow to expect optimum modes of treatment for different terms of sharpening and rolling with providing maximal attainable productivity and quality of superficial layer of the processed detail. The developed method can be applied for any types of combined blade and finishing-consolidating treatment.
Basic job performances: The rational parameters of the combined instrument for blade and finishing-consolidating treatment of outward and internal surfaces of rotation are grounded. Recommendations on the choice of the optimum modes of the combined treatment are developed, providing its best performance.
Review of existent resarches and developments: The use of the combined methods of treatment is one of the most perspective methods of increase of efficiency of modern machine-building production. Presently, in spite of plenty of information about separate prospects both blade and finishing-consolidating treatment, information about the features of the combined treatment is practically absent, that hampers the ground of rational terms of its application and prognostication of parameters of the state of the treated surface [1, 2]. Basic attention at determination of the indicated limitations is needed to spare to limitation on the maximum possible roughness of surface. The feature of combined blade and finishing-consolidating treatment is dependence of parameters of final finishing-consolidating treatment on the parameters formed at preceding blade treatment and simultaneous influence of the modes of treatment on the parameters of superficial layer at each of them. In basis of determination of parameters of roughness of superficial layer at the combined treatment RzК the known theoretical dependences for the separate types of treatment [1] are stopped up on condition that the parameters of blade treatment are initial for the subsequent finishing-consolidating:
where S - serve; k – amount of marbles or rollers in the mounting; R - radius of marble or transversal radius of roller; r – radius at the top of instrument; γ - front corner; ρ - radius of rounding off of cutting edge of instrument; – specific durability; Р – force at rolling; f – coefficient of friction;
- superficial hardness; a – radius of plastic imprint; h1 - depth of introduction of instrument in the processed surface, h2 - size of resilient renewal; RP, tm are initial parameters of roughness: RP= 0,65Rz; tm= 45%; R - total parameter of roughness of working surfaces of instruments. However, the use of these dependences for regulation of the modes of treatment is very difficult, in this connection it is expedient to execute their simplification. The experimental researches conducted in the real work, and results of which, are resulted on Fig.1, sharpening and rolling is intended for establishment of the simplified dependences of parameters of roughness from the terms of treatment on an example. Terms of treatment: screw-cutter 16K20; device for measuring of roughness - profylometr № 283; details of type of bodies of rotation, treated under various conditions. Ingot is steel 20 GOST by a 1050-88 diameter 45 mm. Permanent terms of treatment at sharpening: frequency of rotation of n = 270 turn./min, depth of cutting of t = 0,5 mm, radius of r = 2 mm; at rolling: the Р force = 3000 Н, the S serve = 0,35 mm/turn.
The parameters of roughness of the treated surface of details are measured in the first series of experiments, got at different serves at sharpening, as a result on the surface of detail areas with a different initial roughness are formed. Rolling by the roller of surfaces with a different initial roughness is carried out in the second series of experiments. The conducted experiment allows to set dependences of parameter of the Rat roughness at sharpening from the S serve, and also parameter of the Raо roughness at rolling by a roller from the initial roughness formed at sharpening Ra=Rat:
Conclusion: The received got analytical dependences allow to expect optimum modes of treatment for different terms of sharpening and rolling with providing maximal attainable productivity and quality of superficial layer of the processed detail. The developed method can be applied for any types of combined blade and finishing-consolidating treatment. As a result of the conducted theoretical and experimental researches the important practical task of determination of parameters of roughness of superficial layer and optimization of the modes of combined has been blade and finishing-consolidating treatment providing the best performance for any set terms and requirements to quality of the treated surfaces solved.
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