Work experience: 2004 July-August - assistant of the technologist in Donetsk machine-building factory "Gormash", 2005 July-August - junior scientific worker DonNTU.
Have the driving license, category "B". I have skills of work in design packages Tflex-cad, Ansys, the Compass-graffics (all versions), Electronic-workbench, and is a little Auto-cad and Math-cad.
I was born on July, 2-nd, 1984 in Donetsk in an usual, then still Soviet family. My parents are Saveliev Vladimir Mihailovich, Savelieva Anna Afanasievna. As all normal children I remember only separate fragments from first 2-3 years of my life. The conscious part of my childhood passed more or less quiet, my hobby was playing in a yard with boys of my age whom there were a lot of then.
I revealed very early the tendency to know new things, when I began to study construction of various household things surrounding me, and in particular of my toys, which never lasted till the moment of breakage, and simply were dismantled, unfortunately, irrevocably. Probably, my speciality, which I would have to study for the whole five years later was already defined at that time.
I began to study in a comprehensive school
¹89 of Donetsk on September, 1st, 1991 when passing all tests and selections I
managed to enter the first class under the letter "A".
Studying at school during all eleven years was different; it was boring as well as cheerful, but never complex, at least, for me. I, practically, had always managed to do my homework before I came home: sometimes during lessons, sometimes during breaks. Because of this, my parents sometimes doubted of my progress, but at parents meetings and at the end of academic year when my marks were announced, everything became evident because I my marks were mainly «4» and «5».
My favourite subjects were "geography", "physicist", and naturally "physical culture". Accordingly, these subject teachers were the best. I did not like "chemistry", a lot probably because I knew it worse than other subjects.
After classes at school there was usually a game in football on a local stadium till the evening, and it was unimportant, in what season and in what weather.
When I studied in the tenth and eleventh classes I had less and less free time, therefore I had then to refuse a lot of things. It was connected, mainly, with preparation to enter the university. Besides in spring 1999 I graduated the course of a personal computer user, which to some extend helped me while studying similar courses at university.
I left school in 2001 with an average mark 10.6 (according to 12 mark scale), I received the certificate and the following day went to the admission commission of DSTU. That day the easy life ended, there was unknown life ahead.
This part of my life began with the admission to two specialities of a mechanical and physics-metallurgical faculty. It is difficult to say why I chose the speciality “Metal-cutting machines”, probably because I was more interested in machines and mechanisms, than in processes in metallurgy. Besides that my two friends with whom I had studied in one class had entered this speciality, though it was not the defining factor. My interest to various machines and mechanisms led me to a technical university.
Studying at university was simultaneously interesting and hard, but despite this, I never had any problems with any disciplines.
I do not want to highlight any of the teachers of the university; I have the best memories practically about all of them.
With every passing year I noticed that there became fewer and fewer students and this fact warned me and didn’t allow me to follow the mistakes of those people who didn’t manage to graduate from university.
It was out of the question whether to continue studying for the master’s degree on not, it was an understood decision.
The theme of my master work «The investigation of a method of grinding circle setting by a free abrasive» has been offered by my supervisor. The given problem is not studied enough and has prospects for practical application.
My main hobby is fishing in summer. I am not keen on winter fishing due to various circumstances, therefore in winter I look forward to spring.
As for musical preferences I have a big variety of sympathies. I listen to different music from a genre «Russian chanson» and style "techno" performance such as Paul Van Dyk and Paul Oakenfold.
I used to do free-style wrestling, track and field athletics and football, when I was at school.
In the near future I am graduating from the university,
and I would like to put my knowledge into practice, in other words to work according to
my speciality. In the future I have a desire to work somewhere abroad and to see there
as much as possible interesting and new.
For achievement of this, it is necessary to work hard and have patience since
all does not come at once. I shall try, that all my plans for the future became a reality
in the near future.
Short biography:
The childhood
School days
Studying at the university
Plans for the future
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