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The theme of master's work: Estimation of consumers satisfaction

Leader of work: Godina N.F.

Author: SAZONOV I.V.

    Presently over the developed technologies it is very complex to offer the consumer essentially new kind of production. And in conditions of the global competitiveness it is expensive too. Development of novelties demands expenses of time and capital investments, and careful marketing researches of market conjuncture. Sometimes the extra charge for risk makes investments into development of new production not effective. Proceeding from above mentioned I would like to consider the processes connected with an estimation of consumers satisfaction in my work.

    Sometimes only insignificant constructional changes are necessary for increase of demand for the produced goods or in general they are not required. Presently it is not enough to make qualitative production, it is necessary to trace market conjuncture and directions of production development . During product quality control it is necessary to trace the major factors of industrial activity precisely: actual for the current moment marketing researches of the market and the analysis of satisfaction of constant clients, consumers. The huge role is played by the adjusted communications with wholesale buyers and technical support of realized production.

    I would like to investigate(research) methods of estimations of consumers satisfaction , ways of information gathering , methods of negotiating with the most significant for the enterprise clients, to consider criteria and parameters of marketing researches and conjuncture of the markets. The main objective is systematization and optimization of product quality control and management of the organization. Only having reached the condition of the quality management optimum or being close to that the organization can receive the maximal profit with the minimal expenses. It’s the main objective of production relations.

    In Ukraine, unfortunately, for today (2006 ) still there was no condition of the rigid market competition. Commodity producers do not tend to optimize industrial lines and reducing costs to increase the profit. It was set historically, that the consumer does not always tend to satisfy 100 % of the needs and requirements. However in the near future the situation in the market of Ukraine will change to priority of the consumer choice and the enterprises will have to actualise the administrative personnel and orientation to the consumer. Accordingly it is necessary to develop techniques of the control and the organization of an estimation of consumers satisfaction as the closing stage of market researches.

Shoping (animated: 12 fr, 26.2 КБ)

    My work can be considered as the analysis of progressive activity on operation of business in conditions of the competitive market formation. As the result of the researches I plan to achieve the formation of characteristics of various consumers classes, to establish laws between innovation costs and profitable part of the introduced monitoring system of consumers satisfaction and to analyze efficiency of the quality management system.

ICQ №: 216816906

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