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Donetsk National Technical University SAZONOV Iliya Vladimirovich

SAZONOV Iliya Vladimirovich

Faculty: Mechanikal

Speciality: Quality standardization and certification

Theme of master's work: Estimation of satisfaction of consumers

Leader of work: Godina Natalya Fedorovna

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ICQ №: 216816906


Short biography:

The childhood

    I was born on August 13, 1983 in Krasnyi Luch Lugansk area in the usual family. My parents are SAZONOV Vladimir Nikolyevich a process engineer; SAZONOVA Irina Anatolievna an children doctor. I revealed the tendency to study new things very early, when I began to study construction of various household things surrounding me, and of my toys in particular. If I could disassemble something, I studied to collect it afterwards almost always. It was a great fun for me!


    I began to study in a comprehensive school №10 of Krasnyi Luch in September the 1st, 1991. My favorite subjects were math, physics, chemistry and astronomy. Sometimes schoolmates called me boring, because I liked to get to the bottom of the truth. But I am grateful to the teachers, that taught me to work, set purposes and taught to reach them. After classes at school I used to ride the bicycle or played football on a small local stadium. For the period of studying at school and university I took part in numerous olympiads and won many prize-winning places. I left school in 2001 with an average mark 12 ( received the gold medal) The time passed, I grew up and had to make the decision. The choice of the future profession is one of the turning-point in life of the person.It was really difficult for me , because I couldn’t deside what I wanted to do for that moment.


    After all, I decided to enter Donetsk State Technical university. I passed the interview and became a student of the faculty of Computer information technology and automatics, scientific analytical devices and systems speciality. At university I spend my best years of life, I think so. In 2005 I got a bachelor's degree in instrument making (with honor). I decided to change a speciality. I entered speciality "Quality, standardization and certification" where I continued the studies in the magistracy to become a qualified management engineer. At the same time I studied at the second speciality "Finance" at International University of the Finance.

Purposes and plans

    During my life I firmly decided to find the job which would be worth me, where I could apply ideas on improvement of manufacture quality , services and the general quality of life. It would be desirable to become really useful to people by way of technical equipment development and culture of consciousness, instead of simply robot daily repeating programed operations. I am not going to stop at the reached success because improvement in life is actual. Everything should be developed.

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