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Abstract of thesis on a theme "Procedures of quality management system in the high school" |
Urgency of a problemThere are several approaches to the decision of education quality problem:
However only the first approach chooses the quality management system as the research objects. Basic content of workThe problem is that high school, providing educational service, at the same time produces product which is graduated student. This product takes the most active part in the production during the process of the life cycle. Students also must be examined as internal users of educational, social and other services within the framework of educational process. The users of high schools are: university entrants, institutions of secondary education; student; users of specialists, scientific and technical production and educational services; organs of education management and public organizations; personnel of high schools. The high schools form the requirements to the entrants and criteria of estimation at the first stage. Consequently, it is under the obligation to formulate the requirements to the suppliers — to schools, lyceums, colleges and others. The university must have education infrastructure. Cooperation with schools allows preparing the university entrant. The university can be one of lyceums founders and high schools, being one information generators for estimation of graduating quality preparation students of schools, forming terms reception and acceptance of administrative decisions on co-operation schools and university. The infrastructure must execute the functions of forming quality providing of students: vocational orientation of maximally possible contingent of entrants, sufficient level providing preparation entrants on profiling disciplines. Quality is provided by activity of next subdivisions high schools (center of dovuzovskoy preparation, receiving commission, publicity-publishing department, high schools, lyceums, schools, specialized classes, faculties, departments). One of variants of achievement of this purpose can be creation of the automated system qualities estimation entrants, which will be a starting point for the analysis educational quality process. Problems which are necessary to be decided:
If the system " gets accustomed" in high school, each entrant will be evaluated by following criteria:
It is possible to allocate such rating of entrant: 1) educational, 2) sports, 3) cultural, 4) public. Further the analytical data processing follows that includes:
Data are processed on following parameters:
For deans and teachers it is the invaluable help at work with entrants. Kinds of the analysis allow investigating an audience in the most different aspects. ConclusionsThe quality management of entrants should be at all faculties. The main task is introduction of quality management results in daily managerial process by high school (an academic council, decanal meetings, etc.). Literature 1. С.В.Кортов, С.И.Солонин
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профессор МИСиС. Система менеджмента качества - инструмент постоянного улучшения деятельности вуза Ссылка на первоисточник:Московский Государственный институт стали и сплавов http://www.www.mc.misis.ru 8.С. И. Солонин , С. В. Кортов. Качество образования: проблемы и задачи изменения Качество образования: проблемы и задачи изменения внутренней среды ВУЗа // Управление качеством образования. - 2003. - N 2(25). |
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