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Donetsk national technical university

Tihonovich Denis Urjevich

Faculty Mechanical

Speciality "The Mechanical equipment
of factories of ferrous metallurgy"

Theme of masters works: Research of reliability and longevity of working of rolganga cage of a 950 state 950/900 at the "Istil (Ukraine)" plant condition

The head of work: the senior lecturer of faculty " MOZCHM " Oshovsca Helen Vladimerovna

Final work of the master Electronic library Links on a subject Report Individual task

        Shortly about itself: Purposeful, persistent, and feel legs. I am taken by sport and computer technologies.

        I was born on January, 5, 1984 in the town Gorlovka of the Donetsk region. Members of my family are the following:
        My mother is Tihonovich Ljubov Konstantinovna 1954. She worked as a house-painter, died in 1989.
        My father is Tihonovich Uriy Ivanovich 1953. He worked as an operator at the business Concern «Stirol» and died in 2004.
        My brother is Tihonovich Vitaliy Urjevich 1976, works as a director of the company «Omegavipstroy LTD.».
        In 1989 I was sent to a nursery school «Sun», where I learned to write, draw, dance and even fight. As my father said, the best defence from the attack is attack.
        From 1991 to 1999 I studied in a compehensive school ¹35 in Gorlovka. During my study I took part in sport competitions – track-and-field athletics and in school social life.
        The same year, in 1999 I entered Gorlovskiy machine-building college (GMK). I liked studying at college, I met a lot of new friends, excellent teachers. Were I often took part in track-and-field and heavy athletics. For three years 2001-2003 I won the first prizes and I reached everything due to persistence, and confidence in myself.
        In 2003 I left GMK. Thanks to the good marks of I had at college, I was accepted to the third course of Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU), on a mechanical faculty, the MOZCHM (Mechanical equipment of factories of black metallurgy) department, the speciality “Metallurgical equipment”.
        You can ask me why I have chosen this speciality? Probably because the speciality «Metallurgical equipment» is very comprehensive, it unites a few specialities in one, and opens doors to the various professions.
        I quickly found my own place in a new group and settled down in a dormitory ¹4. The circle of my interests widened, thanks to new acquaintances with boys and girls. We often visited each other, celebrated different holidays together.
        When I wasn’t at classes, I had temporary jobs. The jobs were different, it is difficult to count them, but I did not forget about my lessons.
        During my 3th year of study I took part in competitions in a handball between faculties, where our team won the 3-d place, and the following year we managed to win the 2-d place.
        I took part in competition on the subject the «Interchangeability and standardization of the technical measuring».
        On a fifth course thanks to good marks I got a certificate to recewe the nominal grant of city A.A. Lukyanchenko.
        Student years flew very quickly, these were the brightest and the most memorable years of my life.
        In 2005 I got the diploma of a bachelor and decided to continue further education and to take my master’s degree. I work over a theme the «Research of reliability and longevity of working of rolganga cage of a 950 state 950/900». The supervisor of my master degree work is associate professor Oshovskaya Helen Vladimerovna. The scientific interests of Helen Vladimerovna are reliability and improvement of mechanical equipment of metallurgical factories.
        At present our country has shortages in specialists on the mechanical equipment of metallurgical factories. The MOZCHM department conducts the personnel training in this direction. The graduates of the department work in repair services of metallurgical plant and other industrial enterprises, in research and project institutes, holding positions of leading of specialists.
        In the future I am planning to defend master’s degree work and become the highly qualified specialist in this sphere.

Final work of the master Electronic library Links on a subject Report Individual task