Vladimir Titiyevskiy

Vladimir Titiyevskiy

Abstract of Master's degree dissertation

Topic of the Master's degree dissertation: «Research of Reinforcement Bar Mill»


    The research of the microrolling mill has been executed during the work.

    The target product of equipment has been changed to reinforcement bars. Because of this change the equipment expects loading seriously bigger than was before. Some devices were not upgraded.

    The necessity of verification of durability of most overloaded devices has appeared now. Measuring of vibrations level has been made on most loaded parts of that devices. It revealed neediness of computer assisted modeling of the winding process on the winding device because the growth of loading on the winding device is the biggest.

    Continuous mill 270x3 is designed for the cold wire rolling with the diameter 2-5 mm from ingot of ferrous and non-ferrous metals with the diameter of 5,5-9,0 mm, and also types of armature steel of types 4ВР1, 5ВР1 and types with hexahedral, three-cornered and other sections.

    An initial ingot for the mill are coils of ingot wire made from of ferrous metals and alloys with breaking strength not bigger than 700 MP, with the mass of 1-1,5 t, and also coils of the non-ferrous metals with breaking strength of 100-250 MP and the mass up to 5 t. Ready product is supplied in coils with the mass from 400 kg up to 1 t depending on the terms of delivery. The mill allows to manufacture powder-containing wires with the diameter of 3,5-4,0 mm for welding and over melting. An initial ingot for powder-containing wires is the stripe with the cross-section of 0,7…1,0х20…30 mm which is made of carbonated and low-alloyed steel with breaking strength up to 400 MP.

    Presently the mill is used for the production of reinforcement bars.

    Reinforcement bars as part of constructions providing toughness and durability made of reinforced concretes must meet the next basic requirements:

    - Providing of a reliable work of constructions on all period of their service jointly with concrete;

    - Having all of the necessary operating and technological properties, allowing to apply the industrial methods of manufacturing at the modern level;

    - Having the necessary level of toughness and plastic properties, which are used at the time of the construction work most completely

    - Meeting the requirements for the bonding strength with concrete according to the type of concrete and properties of the stuff;

    - Providing the durability of the constructions with probability (P) not less than 0,9 at the set type of short and long loadings and influence of the aggressive environments and variable temperatures.