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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Vasilenko Anatoliy Vitaljevich

Vasilenko Anatoliy Vitaljevich

Faculty: Mechanical

Speciality: The mechanical equipment of ferrous metallurgy factories

Theme of master's work: "Development of design recommendations on metal consumption lowering of hydraulic puller Q=10t based on the analysis of the stress-deformed condition of components using method of finite elements and ANSYS program"

Leader of work: Sedush Victor Jakovlevich - doctor of technical science, chief of The mechanical equipment of ferrous metallurgy factories department;

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Middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4,95. Now I am receiving the second higher education on a speciality "Economy of the enterprise". I know Russian and Ukranian languages freely. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English. I have an operational experience of work with programs Compas, ANSYS, I can program in languages Pascal, Delphi. I take a great interest in football, read books.

Short biography:

I was born on October, 3rd, 1983 in Donetsk.

My father, Vasilenko Vitaly Anatoljevich, works as an electrical engineer at the enterprise «Donetsk electric networks». My mother, Vasilenko Lyudmila Mihajlovna, works as a private tutor. My younger sister, Vasilenko Olga Vitaljevna, studies at the Technical Training College N47 of Donetsk as the cook-confectioner. In general, my family is very usual.

In 1985 I went to a kindergarten where I was constantly under the supervision of my mother who was working there at that time. It was the period when the foundation of my future ego was laid.

In 1990 I entered the first class of a comprehensive school N20. Here my first teacher managed to develop my aspiration for knowledge. I still remember my mother’s words: «Have made business - walk safely » which she used to say.

During all years of studing at school I constantly received creditable sheets for "excellent" performance. Beginning with the 7-th class I became the constant participant of Competitions among schoolchildren. The Ukrainian language and the literature, biology and geography were within the circle of my interests. Practically on each regional Competition I occupied prize-winning places. I was especially successful in geography – I «was under a hand» of my class tutor - the teacher of geography. My best performance was at the Competitions in the 10-th class: the 3-d place on a regional Competition in the Ukrainian language and the literature, the 1-st place on a regional Competition in biology, the 2-d place on a regional Competition in geography. I was the participant of a republican stage of a Competition in geography in Ivano-Frankovsk. I finished school in 2001 with a silver medal.

Because of my successes in geography I was planning to enter the economic faculty of the university, but the life changed my plans - and in 2001 I became the student of a mechanical faculty of Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) on a speciality "The metallurgical equipment". I do not regret about this at all. I consider our department MOZCHM («The mechanical equipment of ferrous metallurgy factories») to be one of the best at university. The qualification of a mechanical engineer is useful thanks to acquired skills and from the point of view of work perspectives. The teachers of our department are engaged not only in educational process but in a scientific activity as well, and students are also involved in it. I have also become such a “victim” - my work «The system of definition of energypower parameters of a drive of a gun for tamping of a notch» was among the works of high school competition of student's scientific works in 2005/2006. After the fourth year of study I received the bachelor's degree with honours. Now I am taking my master’s degree on the same speciality. My master work supervisor is Doctor of technical science Sedush Victor Jakovlevich – the chief of MOZCHM department. He is a famous expert in the field of the metal works equipment, and he has huge experience of practical realization of theoretical knowledge. Ph.D. Oshovskaja Elena Vladimirovna also renders me the invaluable help in writing of my work.

In 2002, parallel to a basic speciality, I became the student of the faculty of retraining personnel DonNTU for acquiring the second higher education on a speciality «Economy of the enterprise». In 2004 and 2005 I finished accordingly the 8-th and 9-th International Economic Summer Schools for students of a speciality «The international economics» (Svjatogorsk), which were organized by the same department of Donetsk National University. In 2004 I finished the program «The international school of leadership» (Crimea), organized by Institute of Economics of National Mining University (Dnepropetrovsk). In 2006 I received the bachelor's degree on a speciality «Economy of the enterprise» and I am continuing my education for acquiring the diploma of the expert.

I trust that the acquired knowledge will help me find my place in life and achieve the certain career successes. I count on security in the material plan in the future.

In the world there is a lot of interesting. It would be desirable to understand many things, and in some of them I would be a real expert. I have a desire to travel. I think I will be very busy even when I am too old.

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