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Donetsk National Technical University Ignatkina Irina Sergeevna

Ignatkina Irina Sergeevna

Faculty: Electro technical (ET)

Speciality: Electro technical systems of power consumption (ETSPC)

Theme of master's work:


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         I have graduated from Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU) on specialty « Electro technical systems of power consumption » (ETSPC) and have received the red diploma with bachelor degree.
         I have some practical operational experience as the contractor on performance of the different sorts of electro technical works (designing, installation of electric equipment of economic and trading premises) and register and waitress of the restaurant.
         During training I received wide skills of work on the computer with such programs as: engineering packages (AutoCad), office appendices of company Microsoft, mathematical programs (Mathcad Professional, Mathlab). The Operational experience in Internet. Freely I know the Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English good.
         I am purposeful, sociable.


Short biography:

          I was born on Desember, 2, 1984 in the city of Novoukrainka. In 1986 my family removed to Sneznoe. Now my parents live there.
          In my childhood I was a very inquisitive child. In the early childhood I went in for such kinds of sports, as karate, tennis, bubble dance, opera bubble. One of the greatest memories about my kindergarten was the aquarium with bright fishes.
          After the kindergarten I went to the first class of school number 10 but in two years I went to school number 5. My first school days were very difficult for me. I did not like to read and my technique of reading was very low.
          In the school my study was combined with trainings, exhibitions, concerts, dancing, etc! I liked going to school very much, because it was interesting and cheerful.
          In the 11th form I thought about my future profession. I decided to enter a technical specialty, because there both my mother and my brother studied. As a result of successful ratings I became a student of electro technical faculty, specialty ETSPC.
         University life is communication with friends; going to disco, trips on the sea together and sleepless nights in session. I am a very communicative and marry girl, but I am able to separate study and rest!
         During studying at university it is possible to recollect a lot of pleasant things and interesting subjects and skilled teachers, laboratory researches.
         In the future I hope I will achieve great career growth!

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