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Abstract of masters work
Khignayk V.A.
Subject: "Research of the control systems of an asynchronous engine while changing the parameters of control object"
In a new century asynchronous engines are changing direct-current engines. An asynchronous engine has proven itself, as the simplest and most economical. In the most widely-spread asynchronous engine with a short-circuited rotor there are no sliding contacts, and unique knot requiring the periodic control is bearings.
In the last twenty years, in connection with the development of power and microprocessor element base and appearance of programme facilities which facilitate the analysis and synthesis of the difficult control systems, interest has grown to the complex automatic systems (ACS) of an asynchronous engine control. Besides that there are the successful serial complete systems of an asynchronous engine control, which find the application in different branches of industry.
Researchers have develop a great number of the ACS asynchronous engines. But the existent systems have been developed with a wide range of tolerances and do not allow to watch and take into account the changes of parameters of a control object. These tolerances ultimately worsen dynamic and static descriptions of the control systems.
Purpose and tasks
Purpose of the work is to explore the system of an asynchronous engine control while changing parameters of control object.
To solve the given purpose it is necessary to decide the following tasks:
1. To develop the specified mathematical model of asynchronous engine, which will take into account the change of parameters of engine;
2. To explore the sensitiveness of the control systems to the change of parameters of engine;
3. To improve quality of asynchronous engine control, applying the classic and new methods of control.
The results: received an planned
During the work the review of the literature, devoted to this theme, has been conducted:
1. Different systems and methods of control and construction of the systems of automatic control allowing to take into account the changes of parameters of object of control have been analysed.
2. The mathematical model of asynchronous engine allowing to take into account the influence of change of mutual inductance is created.
It is planned to create a model allowing to take into account the following parameters:
1) active resistance of an engine windings ();
2) inductance of an engine windings ();
3) mutual inductance ;
4) moment of mechanism inertia ;
5) moment of static resistance .
3. To improve the control quality, using new methods of control.
At the present stage of researches the following conclusions can be made:
1. A mathematical model has been created to take into account the change of mutual inductance;
2. Many modern methods and control system allow to take into account and adapt ACS depending the change of separate parameters;
3. Research of the control systems while changing the parameters of control object will allow to improve quality of transitional processes and control on the whole.
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