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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details: Vladimir Anatol'evych Khyzhnyak
86703, Ukraine, Khartsyzsk
Patona avenue,26a,apt.2
Tel.:home: 8(06257)4-62-92
mob.: 80501719100
ICQ: 291-349-214
Purpose: Receipt of position on speciality with subsequent
professional improvement and career growth.
Personal profile: Industrious, decent, responsible, purposeful,
having aspiration to increase the level of knowledge,
ability to work in a team.
Education: 1991-2001       Comprehensive school ¹22 in Khartsyzsk.
1994-1998       Artistic school in Khartsyzsk.
2002-2006       Donetsk National Technical University
                       Electrical engineering faculty (EEF)
                       Bachelar's degree on speciality
                       "Electric systems of automation and control".
2006-2007       To present master's degree on speciality
                       "Electric systems of automation and control"
Experience: 2001-2002       Programmer
                       Private enterprise "RSK"
2006-2007       Computer assemblage and adjusting
                       SPD Kochelaba S.P. shop "Etalon"
  1. Languages: Russian and Ukraine; Basic English.
  2. An experience with a computer programs
    (assembling, tuning, setting SOFTWARE, work with Word,Excel,
    Internet programs, Photoshop, 3D Max, Visio, MatLab and other specialized SOFTWARE, creation of sites)
  3. An experience in setting, adjusting and controlling of the MicroMaster driving system

March, 24, 2007

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