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Kyropatkina Dar'ya Aleksandrovna
Faculty: Electro technical (ET)
Speciality: "Electro technical systems of power consumption" (ETSPC)
Theme of master's work:The calculation of explosion safety of buildings dangerous concerning explosions and fires.
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The calculation of explosion safety of buildings dangerous concerning explosions and fires
According to experts, annually in the world, for example at the oil refining enterprises about 1500 fires and explosions takes place, only 4 % from them carry away from 150 till 200 human lives.
The purpose of work
is obtaining of dependences of explosions probability explosions during time t from frequency and duration of the dangerous electric energy source occurrence,
frequency gas pollution of building up to explosive concentration, reliability of gas protection means and terms of its preventive maintenance.
The idea of work consists of representation of explosion in the explosive buildings, as process of
concurrence in space and time of three independent events: occurrence of an electric source dangerous concerning explosion; refusal in operation of gas protection means; occurrences of an explosive mix in buildings.
For the decision of the given task it is necessary:
-To develop mathematical model which explains process explosion formation at electro technical and equipment operation of buildings;
-To obtain of design formula for the estimation of explosion safety of the buildings dangerous concerning explosion and fire;
-To give a calculation example of explosion safety of a building.
The maintenance of work
In the first section the review of normative documents.
In the second section the general problem has been formulated according to explosion safety of premises concerning explosion and fire
The third section of work is devoted to the decision of a task in view.
The system of the linear differential equations for the presence of function of intervals distribution of time between explosions in explosive premise Р8(t)=F1(t) looks like.
For the decision of system the linear equations system (1) we will search as [4]
P(t)=P(0)exp(At), (2)
Р(0)=(1,00..0) – a vector - line, initial conditions.
- A vector - line.
Obtained from the system of the equation (1) function Р8(t)=F1(t) allows to choose optimum from the point of view of explosion safety terms of preventive maintenance of means of gas protection
Conclusions on work
.The dependence obtained in work Р8(t) allows to choose also terms of gas protection preventive measures
at which the normalized level of explosion safety is provided.
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