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Nekhayeva Maria Aleksandrovna

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Faculty: Electrotechnical
Speciality: Electrotechnical system of electrical consumption

"The influence of parameters of a work condition of an inducion motor and of network on its heating"

Kovalyov Aleksandr Petrovich

Curriculum Vitae

E-mail: first.try@mail.ru


     I was born on the seventh of June 1985 to a family of engineers. My father, Aleksandr Anatoliyevich Nekhayev, is an electric engineer. My mother, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Nekhayeva, is an engineer-programmer. My elder brother, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich Nekhayev, is an electric engineer.

     In 1987 I was sent to kindergarten. There children were taught basics of reading and writing, to respect adults, to be careful, polite and hardworking, to understand music, they were acquainted with Ukrainian traditions and customs, folk and ethnic culture of our people. My grandmother gave special attention to me at home. My parents and my brother did. We had a lot of books in our house, including those for children, that’s why I learnt to read and write very early. I took up drawing when I was very young. I drew everywhere, even on the walls if I had no paper to do this and if if my parents didn’t pay much attention.

     In 1992 I became a pupil of 1D class of School 78 in Donetsk. My first tutor was Inna Anatoliyevna Kytsenko. First three years at school flew unnoticeably (like holidays at the university). I took new knowledge with the utmost pleasure. When I studied in the fifth form my tutor was Georgiy Ivanovich Orlov, a teacher of Physics who gained our attention with his subject. I liked Arts, Drawing, Geometry, Geography, History and I took part in contents in Chemistry and Ukrainian Literature.

     When I had to decide which university to choose, I had two options – Academy of Construction and Architecture or Donetsk National Technical University. As a result I chose our glorious University.

     In autumn 2001 I attented the courses of candidates for university, which were conducted by our famous lecturer of Higher Mathematics Viktor Vasiliyevich Otkidach. On 24 February 2002 I passed my rating exam successfully and entered the university. My father helped me to choose my profession line and I am much obliged to him. It was bound to happen because he graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnical University in 1974 in speciality “Power stations”, and my brother was in his fifth year of Electric Technical Faculty then.

     The first faculty meeting impressed me very much. On that day the first year students were greeted by our dean Aleksandr Vasiliyevich Levshov, and I understood that I had plenty of important and interesting things before me! First lectures, meeting with my group, new subjects, new interests, new friends. My favorite subjects were Engineering Graphics and Physics. I studied well for the first two years but not more than that. Then there was a very difficult period in my life – on 5 April 2004 my father died. Everything changed. In my third year I was involved in studying of special subjects. I worked hard. I’d like my father could be proud of me and my progress at the university. As a result I got bachelor degree with excellent marks.

     In February 2004 I entered the Institute Retraining education to get my second speciality “Economics of enterprise”. In February 2007 I’ve got bachelor degree and now I continue my education to get a specialist degree.

     Now I continue my education to get my Master Degree in Electric Engineering. In autumn I’m going to receive driving license. And finally I’d like to find an interesting job to get some work experience.

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