The Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.; family Pinaceae) is a common tree ranging from Great Britain and Spain east to eastern Siberia and the Caucasus Mountains, and as far north as Lapland. In the north of its range, it occurs from sea level to 1000 m, while in the south of its range, it is a high altitude mountain tree, growing at 1200-2500 m altitude.
Scots Pine is the only pine native to northern Europe, forming either pure forests or alongside Norway Spruce, Silver Birch, Common Rowan, Eurasian Aspen and other hardwood species. In central and southern Europe, it occurs with numerous additional species, including European Black Pine, Mountain Pine, Macedonian Pine, Spanish Pine and Swiss Pine. In the eastern part of its range, it also occurs with Siberian Pine among other trees.
In the British Isles it now occurs naturally only in Scotland, but historical records indicate that it also occurred in Ireland, Wales and England as well until about 300-400 years ago, becoming extinct there due to over-exploitation; it has been re-introduced in these countries. Similar historical extinction and re-introduction applies to Denmark and the Netherlands.
It grows up to 25m in height when mature, exceptionally to 35-40m on a very productive site (in Estonia, there are some 220 year old trees that are 46 metres tall). The bark is thick, scaly dark grey-brown on the lower trunk, and thin, flaky and orange on the upper trunk and branches. The habit of the mature tree is distinctive due to its long, bare and straight trunk topped by a rounded or flat-topped mass of foliage.
On mature trees the leaves ('needles') are an attractive blue-green, 3-5 cm long and occur in fascicles of two, but on young vigorous trees the leaves can be twice as long, and occasionally occur in threes and fours on the tips of strong shoots. The cones are pointed ovoid in shape and are 3-7 cm in length.
Over 100 varieties have been described in the botanical literature, but only three are now accepted, the typical var. sylvestris from Scotland and Spain to central Siberia, var. hamata in the Balkans, northern Turkey and the Caucasus, and var. mongolica in Mongolia and adjoining parts of southern Siberia and northwestern China. One other variety, var. nevadensis in southern Spain, may also be distinct.
Scots Pine is an important tree in forestry. The wood is used for pulp and sawn timber products. A seedling stand can be created by planting, sowing or natural regeneration. Commercial plantation rotations vary between 50-120 years, with longer rotations in northeastern areas where growth is slower. In Finland, Scots Pine was used for making tar in the pre-industrial age. There are still some active tar producers, but mostly the industry has ceased to exist.
The wood is pale brown to red-brown, and used for general construction work. It has a dry density of around 470 kg/m3 (varying with growth conditions), an open porosity of 60%, a fibre saturation point of 0.25 kg/kg and a saturation moisture content of 1.60 kg/kg.
Scots Pine has also been widely planted in New Zealand and much of the colder regions of North America; it is listed as an invasive species in some areas there, including Ontario and Wisconsin. It has been widely used in the United States for the Christmas tree trade, and was one of the most popular Christmas trees from the 1950's through the 1980's. It remains popular for that usage, though it has been eclipsed in popularity, by such species as Fraser Fir, Douglas Fir, and others.
Scots Pine is the National tree of Scotland, and it formed much of the Caledonian Forest which once covered much of the Scottish Highlands. Overcutting for timber demand, fire, overgrazing by sheep and deer, and even deliberate clearance to deter wolves have all been factors in the decline of this once great pine and birch forest. Nowadays only comparatively small areas of this ancient forest remain, the main surviving remnants being at Abernethy Forest, Glen Affric, Rothiemurchus, and the Black Wood of Rannoch. Plans are currently in progress to restore at least some areas and work has started at key sites.
The name derives from Latin pinus via French pin (pine); in the past (pre-18th century) this species was more often known as "Scots Fir" (from Danish fyr), but "fir" is restricted to Abies and Pseudotsuga in modern English.
Other names sometimes used include Riga Pine and Norway Pine, and Mongolian Pine for var. mongolica. "Scotch Pine" is another variant of the common name, used mostly in North America