Donetsk National Technical University , Donetsk , Ukraine
Faculty of ecology and chemical technology
Speciality: Ecology and Protection of Environment
Specialization: the Management of Ecological Safety
The theme of master's work: The ways and mechanisms of recreation load control on the Azov sea coast withing the RLP «Meotida»
Donetsk National Technical University , Donetsk , Ukraine
The institute of international cooperation. Certificate in English, upper intermediate level
Donetsk National Technical University , Donetsk , Ukraine
Faculty of ecology and chemical technology
Speciality: Ecology and Protection of Environment
Specialization: the Management of Ecological Safety
The theme of bachelor's work: The Azov sea recreation resources and their modern conditions in the borders of RLP «Meotida»
Donetsk secondary school ¹ 117
English (A), Histiry (A), Geography (A)