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Selutina Evgeniya Igorevna ![]() Donetsk National Technical University Faculty of ecology and chemical technology Speciality: Equipment of enterprises of chemical production and enterprises of building materials The theme of master's degree work: «Grounding of progressive technical decisions of equipment choice of the HDW ground in the conditions of ACChP» Scientific leader: prof., t.s.d. Parfenjuk A.S. | |||
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Research purposeResearching of hard domestic wastes properties and choice of equipment for the HDW ground in the conditions of ACChP Actuality of themeWith swift consumption growth more the problem of handling accumulative wastes becomes more actual. On the city dumps hundred thousand tons of domestic wastes are annually saved . Decomposing, they poison air, soil, underground water and transform, thus, in a serious danger for an environment and a man. That is why the «heroes of day» becomes effective and the ecologically clean technologies of the industrial garbage processing. Processing and utilization of domestic wastes becomes a topical problem all over the world. Mainly it touches the large densely populated cities, where million cubic meters of various garbage are annually saved. Smoking dumps, heaps of the thrown trash out, overcrowded trash tanks - in Ukraine such pictures are acquainted to many townsmen. The amount of hard domestic wastes increases steadily with every year, and presently makes 200-800 kg/years per capita. The problem of such enormous mass of garbage elimination, indisputably, can be delivered to the category of ecological, and from other side, is related to the decision of technical and economic stumpers. Now not technical decision most important in this question, and creation of the organizational system of dumps cooperation and surrounding (containing them) territories. This system must create terms doing, at first, economic advantageous application of the newest technologies of garbage utilization or at least technologies doing minimum damage to the environment and population, and, secondly, to fasten these terms by the proper legal mechanisms. Coming from the real economic situation in a country and in the Donetsk region, the stage-by-stage decision of hard domestic wastes problem is expedient. A primary concern at regional level is optimization of their collection and delete at unchanging long-term strategy of transition from the ground burial place HDW to their industrial processing on the basis of effective technologies application. Scientific novelty of researches1. The ways of decision of the HDW processing are analyzed in final work. 2. The integration tests HDW, taken on the ground of Avdeevka, are conducted. 3. Technical descriptions of equipment for the HDW pressing are experimentally grounded. 4. Certain press productivity and expenses of energy on pressing. Conclusions1. The scales of hard domestic wastes education and accumulation and existent foreign and domestic technologies of their processing and utilization are analysed. 2. Description of ground and explored wastes are given. 3. The conducting method of integration tests of old dumps wastes is described. 4. The process of compression of hard domestic wastes mixtures is studied. 5. Influence of baroforming technological parameters on the physical-mechanical properties of HDW is explored 6. The choice of equipment for realization of baroforming process is grounded. Table of contensIntroduction 1. Hard domestic wastes utilization problem 1.1 Actuality of problem 1.2 Description of hard domestic wastes 1.3 Decision ways of wastes processing problem 1.4 Raising of work task 2. Methods of researches 2.1 Description of ground and explored wastes 2.2 Conducting method of integration tests of old dumps wastes 2.3 Planned experiment 2.4 Criterion of briquettes durability 2.5 Mixtures preparation 3. Experimental researches of old dumps wastes properties 3.1 Study of process of hard domestic wastes mixtures compression 3.2 Technical analysis of wastes mixtures 3.3 Three-stage compression of wastes 3.4 Strong briquettes characteristics 3.5 Shift characteristics 3.6 Generalization of results 4. Influence of technological parameters of baroforming on physical-mechanical briquettes the properties 4.1 Experiment planning 4.2 Experiment conducting 4.3 Treatment of results 4.4 Research of model 4.5 Research of influencing of briquettes connective on durability 4.6 Conclusions on a section 5. Ground of choice of press equipment for realization of baroforming process 5.1 Equipment for pressing pills and briquettes 5.2 The choice of a press 5.3 Ground of form, sizes and weight of the got briquettes taking into account properties of raw material. Conclusions References1.Bench, O.I., "Prediction of the socio-ecological consequences of the utilization of industrial wastes in Ukraine",Ugol Ukrainy, no. 2-3, pp. 56-58, 1997. 2."World energy resources",Ugol, no. 2, pp. 21-23, 1995. 3.Beskrovny, A.P., "Treatment of high-ash slurry products", Ugol Ukrainy, no. 12, p. 39-40, 1996. 4.Nikitin, I.N., "Preparation of coal slurry for coking", Ugol Ukrainy, no. 2-3, pp. 31-34, 1997. 5.Nikitin, I.N. and N.I. Nikitin, "Treatment of slurries for coal beneficiation", Ugol Ukminy, no. 12, pp. 47-50,1996. 6.Zolotko, A.A., "Resources of secondary fuel in coal beneficiation wastes and the possibility of its extraction",Ugol Ukrainy, no. 12, pp. 36-39, 1996. 7.Secondary Resources of the Donetsk Region : A Reference Book, DPI, Donetsk, 1990. 8.Parfenyuk, A.S. and M.P. Zborshchik, "An ecologically pure technology for the coking of coals in inclinedchamber ovens". Abstracts of the scientific-technological workshop "Fundamental Foundations of EcologicallyPure Technologies", Donetsk, 1991. |
Русский | Українська | English | DonNTU | Masters |
Dissertation | Library | Links | Personal task | Search report |