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Stepanov Maxim


Equipment selection for initial processing of the old building constructions and wastes with the aim of its usage

Telephone: 8 (050) 260 37 05


Actual problem
Purpose and research tasks
Scientific novelty of researching


The concrete and reinforced concrete wastes constructions utilization problem is actual in connection with the necessity of industrial, civil and road building, growing of transport moving volumes and decline of territories contaminations by building wastes.
In large towns and industrial districts of a country after transition on new series of houses building ten million cube meters of the unused concrete wares and constructions was piled .
Building wastes utilization would allow to engage more than 3,2 million of metal in an economic turn. In some occasion replacement by building wastes of natural resources allows to save the last to 50%.
It is positive results achieved during the building wastes processing:
1 - achievement of ecological effect - new productions will decrease the amount of building garbage dumps;
2 - economic effect receiption – due to the cutback of spending on maintenance of dumps.


Purpose of work: researching of building wastes processing and development of technical and technological decisions, development of recommendations questions of techniques and technologies.
To achieve this purpose the following problems were set :
1. To analyse the scales of education and building wastes accumulation and their processing existent technologies;
2. To describe the equipment intended for destruction of reinforced concrete constructions and building wastes crushing;
3. To analyse the stages of processing: destruction, primary and second crushing, description of the basic problems linked with the use of the second raw material and methods of their decision;
4. To develop mathematical description of research of technological and technical parameters of building wastes processing and receipt of the second filler;
5. To do the calculation of made unit cost from the second filler and conduct high-quality and price comparison with products from primary raw material.


1. Analysed the exploited and inculcated technological lines and recommended reinforced concrete equipment for their work;
2. Worked out the analysis methods recommendations for question of rational choice of equipment for building wastes crushing;
3. Grounded technical descriptions of equipment for the building wastes productive crushing are experimentally;
4. Offered solution of problem economic grounded, expected the calculation of got unit cost.


1 - the scales of building wastes education and accumulation and existing foreign and domestic technologies of their processing are analysed
2 - the equipment intended for building wastes processing is described;
3 - different stages of processing are analysed: destruction of reinforced concrete constructions, primary and second crushing; the basic problems linked with the use of the second raw material and methods of their decision are described;
4 - mathematical description of technological and technical parameters research of is developed;
5 - properties and descriptions of the processed and got raw material are described;
6 - the choice of crushing equipment is experimentally grounded, recommendations coming by an experimental way findings from on crushed of the reinforced concrete are given;
7 - the calculation of made unit cost is done from the second filler and high-quality and price comparison is conducted with products from primary raw material.

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