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Solid State Communications, Vol. 101. No, 4, pp. 277-281. 1996
Copyright 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. Al1 rights reserved
0038-1098/97 $17.00+00
A. Maignan, C. Michel, M. Hervieu and B. Raveau
Laboratoire CRISMAT, URA 1318 associd au CNRS, ISMRA et Universite de Caen, 6, Boulevard du Marechal Juin, 14050 Caen, Cedex, France
(Received 1 August 1996 by D. Van Dyck)
The investigation of the La-Mn-O system has allowed manganites
La0.90MnO3_ with colossal magnetoresistance properties, near room
temperature, to be isolated. These, phases exhibit indeed a
ferromagnetic metallic to paramagnetic insulating transition,
with Tc ranging from 230 K to 260 K, depending on the hole carrier
density ( = 0.05-0.06). A resistance ratio of 6 in a magnetic field
of 7 T is observed near room temperature (260 K) for the first time in
the La-Mn-O system. The CMR La0.9MnO3_ phases, can be indexed in
a classical rhombohedrai cell, but their electron diffraction and
X-ray powder srudyo shows that thejr symmetry isa monoclinic 121 a
with d = 7. 790(1) A, b = 5.526(1) A, c = 5.479(1) A, 0 = 90.78°.
Decreasing slightly, the oxygen content leads to orthorhombic phases
and kills the CMR properties. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
The lanthanum
manganite LaMnO3^_r has been the object of numerous studies after the pioneering work on the
magnetic order in this compound performed by Wollan and Koehler [1-2]. "LaMnO3",
that exhibits a Neel temperature ranging from 100 K to 141 K [1, 3, 4] has been used as a model
for the study of the relationship between transport properties and magnetism in such material
[5, 6].
The discovery of colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) properties in
manganese oxides with the perovskite structure [7] has renewed the interest of the scientific
community for the La-Mn-O system. In a recent study, C.N.R. Rao et at. [8] have evidenced CMR
properties for the perovskite La0.96Mn0.96O3. The latter indeed exhibits a Curie temperature of
200 K, with a resistance ratio smaller than two. In fact, the crystal chemistry of the "La-Mn-O"
perovskites is much more complex than expected forty years ago. Several recent studies [8-10]
show that there exist at least four forms La1-xMnO3+y — two orthorhombic, one rhombohedral and
one cubic forms — depending on the oxygen stoichiometryr but also on the cationic deficiency.
Taking into consideration the previous results, it appears clearly
that it should be possible to enhance the CMR properties of the "LaMnO" perovskites, by varying
the hole carrier density, i.e. by changing the: Mn(III) ratio. For this reason we have
explored the lanthanum deficient manganites. We report herein on a new CMR perovskite
La0.90MnO3- with a monoclinic symmetry, that exhibits a Tc of 260 K and a magnetoresistance
ratio of six, in a magnetic field of 7 T at this temperature.
In order to control the mixed valence Mn(III)-Mn(IV), we have
tried to synthesize the ideal compound La0.9MnO3, which should exhibit the same Mn(III) : Mn(IV)
ratio as the manganite La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, where Tc reaches 369 K [11]. (Nevertheless, in the case
of the La-Mn-O system, the oxidation of Mn(III) into Mn(IV) is difficult to optimize, in
contrast to the La-Sr-Mn-O system in which the "O3" stoichiometry is easily reached.
The method of synthesis — temperature, oxygen pressure and cooling speed — influences
dramatically the nature of the so obtained perovskite. We present here, the results acquired
for four different La0.9MnO3 samples, that were all prepared from the same corresponding mixture
of La2O3 and Mn2O3 in the ratio La:Mn = 0.9 calcined at 950°C for 12 h, reground and pressed
in the form of bars of 2 x 2 x 10 mm3. The same heating speed of 300°Ch~l was used for their
synthesis. Samples A1 and B1 were heated at 1300°C and 1400°C for 12 h respectively, then
cooled at 30O°Ch~l down to 800°C and quenched from 800°C to room temperature. Samples
A2 and B2 were heated at 1300°C and 1400°C for 12 h respectively, cooled at 300°Ch-l down to
800°C; then annealed at 1000°C for 12 h and slowly cooled at 5°Ch-1 down to room temperature.
All the thermal treatments were performed in air.
The cationic composition of the bars, at the end of the thermal
treatments, determined by TEM coupled with EDS analysis was found to be identical to that of
the nominal one before heating. The X-ray analysis performed with a Philips diffractometer
with CuKa radiation shows that three'of these samples — A1, A2 and B2 — exhibit practically
identical X-ray powder patterns. Figure 1(a) shows one of these patterns obtained for A2.
Such a pattern can be indexed in the classical rhombohedral cell, i.e. a = 5.479(1)A,
a = 60.61°. However the investigations of this phase by electron diffraction shows that there
exist additional weak reflexions that make that its actual symmetry is not rhombohedral R3c,
but monoclinic I2/a. The X-ray powder pattern was then indexed with the following parameters
a = 7.790(1) A, b = 5.526(1) A, c = 5.479(1) A, 0 = 90.78(1)°. In order to check the validity
of this indexation, a structural study was performed. For this study, Mn3O4, whose main
diffraction peak (20-36.1°) was visible on the XRD pattern [Fig. l(a)J, was introduced as
secondary phase in the calculations. Location of the different atoms in the
crystallographic sites of the space group I2/a was: Mn in 4a (000), La in 4e (1/4, y, 0) with
y ~ 1/2, O(l) in 4e with y = 0 and O(2) in 8f(xyz) with x = 0, y - 1/4, z-1/4. Only
isotropic thermal factors were considered, those of oxygens being fixed to 1.0 A2.
The sample was assumed to be oxygen stoichiometric. Refinement of the positional
parameters, B factors for lanthanum and manganese and occupancy of the La site allowed the
Rp and Ri, agreement factors to be lowered to 15.2% and 7.2% respectively. The different
refined parameters are given in Table 1, the experimental and calculated XRD patterns are
plotted in Fig. 1(a). It is interesting to note that the refined occupancy of the lanthanum
crystallographic site leads to the formula La0.91(1)MnO3, i.e. very close to the nominal
The interatomic bond distances are given in Table 2. In spite
of the lack of accuracy in the oxygen location, the distances are quite comparable with those
observed in other variants of La1-xMnO3 series (see for example [9]).
The difference between
the cell parameters of the three samples — A1,A2 and B2 — though it exists, is very small,
i.e. less than l%o. This small difference is in agreement with the oxygen content of each of
these samples, determined by microthermograyimetric analysis, which varies only slightly with
the thermal treatment, according to the formulation La0.9MnO3-, 5 ranging from 0.05 to 0.06.
In contrast, the sample B1 exhibits a significantly different
X-ray pattern [Fig. 1(b)]. The latter was indexed in an orthorhombic cell with the following
parameters a = 5.644(1)A, 6 = 7.724(1)A, c = 5.529(1)A. This difference is also in agreement
with the microthermogravimetric measurements that show a higher 5 value of 0.10.
The d.c. resistivity measured between 4.2K and 300 K, in the
absence of a magnetic field is presented on Fig. 2 for these four samples. The examination
of this figure allows the following features to be emphasized:
(i) -The three monoclinic samples,
A1,A2 and B2 display a transition from a metallic or semimetallic to a semiconducting state,
characteristic of the CMR perovskite.
(ii) The transition temperature Tmax,
that corresponds to Tc, is significantly higher than that observed for La1-xMn1-xO3. One
indeed obtains Tmax values ranging from 230 K to 260 K, whereas the highest value observed for
La1-xMn1-xO3 was of 200 K for x = 0.04 [8]. This effect of the lanthanum deficiency upon the
increase of Tmax is in agreement with the neutron diffraction data of the rhombohedral
phase La0.88MnO2.92, for which a Tc of 248 K was evidenced recently [9].
(iii) The variation of Tc between
the three monoclinic samples A1, A2 and B2 from 230K to 260K is easily explained in termS Of hole
doping. The Sampfe A1 that exhibits the highest Tc (260 K) should display a nearly optimized
Mn(IV)/Mn(III) ratio, whereas the A2 sample that has been annealed at lower temperature,
may contain more oxygen and consequently is overdoped with respect to A1 leading to a decrease
of Tc (250 K). In a similar way, the B2 sample that has been synthesized at higher temperature
(1400°C), although annealed at 1000°C, has not been fully reoxygenated and consequently may
be underdoped with respect tO A1, leading to a lower Tc (230 K). In any case, it clearly
appears that Tc is very sensitive to the oxygen stoichiometry in agreement with the previous
results showing the strong influence of the Mn(IV)/Mn(III) ratio upon Tc for the manganites
Pr1-x(Ca,Sr)xMnO3 [12]. The variation of oxygen stoichiometry that induces such a variation of
TC is of course, too low to be detected by microthermogravimetry.
(iv) The orthorhombic sample B1
is a semiconductor, in agreement with its lower oxygen content, showing its significantly
undoped character with respect to the monoclinic samples.
The magnetization curves versus temperature, registered with a
SQUID magnetometer in a magnetic field of 1.45T, for the monoclinic zero field cooled samples
show that these phases exhibit a clear transition from a ferromagnetic to a paramagnetic state
as T increases. This behaviour is illustrated in Fig. 3 for the samples .4 1 and A2; one
observes that Tcs defined as the inflexion point of the transition coincides with Tmax and that
the saturation magnetization (Ms) ranges from 3.5 B to 4.0B, idicating that these materials
are good ferromagnets. In contrast, the B1 sample was found to be a poor ferromagnet with
Ms = 1 B and TC = 130 K.
The transition from the ferromagnetic metallic state to the
paramagnetic insulating state observed for the monoclinic samples clearly indicates that these
materials are magnetoresistant. The resistivity curves, registered in a magnetic field of 7T
confirm this viewpoint as shown in Fig. 4 for the A1 and A2 samples. One indeed observes
resistance ratios close to 6 at 250-260 K, in a magnetic field of 7T, which are the highest
values that have been obtained to date, near room temperature in the La-Mn-O system.
On the opposite, no CMR effect was observed for the orthorhombic samples.
In conclusion, this study shows the important role of the lanthanum deficiency in the
La1-xMnO3- system to optimize, the CMR properties of those perovskites, taking into
consideration the oxygen stoichiometry. It appears clearly that Tc, but also the resistance
ratio are very sensitive to the hole carrier density so that the TC of 260 K and the resistance
ratio of six, may be still improved by varying the experimental parameters. In any case,
the non stoichiometric La0.9MnO3- is more promising that the LaMnO3+x phase, for which a maximum
Tc of 200 K could be achieved [8]. There is no doubt that the orthorhombic forms do not exhibit
CMR properties, in agreement with the previous studies [8]. The issue of the rhombohedrai
or monoclfnic symmetry in all the compounds of the system La-Mn-O has to be studied carefully.
A neutron diffraction study coupled with electron microscopy investigation will be necessary.
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