Davidenko M.I.
сборник международной студенческой научной конференции
«Евроинтеграция: возможности и перспективы в ХХІ веке» (ДонНТУ, ФЭМ),
20-21 мая 2005 года
One of the
vital topics for today is joining of Ukraine the European Union. Present
president V. Yushchenko
has stated precise intentions concerning integration of our country into Europe,
carrying out on this way the
to integrate into EU for 5 years. Let us try to estimate how purposeful is entry
into EU and what consequences may expect Ukraine on this way.
Ukraine in context of the European economic integration it is necessary to take
into account peculiarities of its geopolitical position. Noted Ukrainian
philosopher N.Mihalchenko in his book « Ukrainian society: transformation,
modernization or limitrophe of Europe? » defines cultural position of Ukraine
and its position concerning civilizations by the term "limitrophe" – boundary
area between civilizations. He writes: « Presently Ukraine is not yet "bridge",
"sanitary border", especially not "center" of any communities. Ukraine is
limitrophe for Russia and Europe so far, it is intermediate space between the
western and Russian -Eurasian
civilizations. And limitrophe with double estimation. Europe regards eastern
frontier of Ukraine as a line of a break between Europe and Russia. And Russia
considers the western frontier of Ukraine to be a line of a break between the
NATO and
of Independent States space, identifying the last with zone of the personal
interests » and further, that is essentially important, N.Mihalchenko marks: «
Limitrophe position or condition is an intermediate position or condition. If
people of " limitrophe" does not take roots in structure of the certain regional
civilization then self-determination of this people as independent state remains
problematic as creation of the local civilization is problematic » [1, 341-342].
Certainly, such condition of Ukraine is not accident, it is natural result
centuries-old cultural and civilizational life of Ukrainian people on a break of
Last decade in
the Ukrainian foreign trade policy shows its orientation to the markets of the
West-European countries, and especially to the countries included in the
European Union.
It can be
explained by intentions of Ukraine to enter this integration association,
basically with the purpose of expansion of trading opportunities and improvement
of conditions of trade.
At the present
stage trade relations of Ukraine and EU are difficult enough and uncertain.
The markets of
countries - candidates in particular Poland and Hungary are the major for
foreign trade of Ukraine. In 2002 the Ukrainian commodity export into countries
- candidates exceeded 2 $ billion, or 12,4 % of total exports whereas the share
of export to the countries of EU was equal 19,7 %. At the same time export of to
Ukraine makes rather small share, as such countries first of all are oriented to
the markets of EU. (Tab. 3.2)
Table 1 –
Countries - candidates (nowadays new members of EU) in the Ukrainian export
(2002) % [8]
The country
In general
Share in export
The structure of
the Ukrainian export in countries - candidates is similar to structure of export
to EU. Thus the structure of export of countries - candidates for EU essentially
differs from structure of export of Ukraine in this region: countries -
candidates export to the European Union mainly production with the high added
cost whereas in European export of Ukraine the goods with a low degree of
processing prevail. It testifies about disbalance
in structure of trade between EU and Ukraine which can go deeper without
structural shifts in the Ukrainian economy.
Figure 1 – Total
amount of trade of Ukraine with the countries of EU and countries - candidates
Countries -
candidates use wider access on the commodity markets of EU due to the agreement
in force on free trade (over 50 % of foreign trade of such countries falls at
trade from EU). Moreover, countries - candidates actively work at creation of
the customs union from EU: the common customs-tariff should be introduced from
the time of countries entry into EU. Competition between Ukraine and countries -
candidates, which is peculiar to trade in separate commodity groups may amplify
because of introduction by countries - candidates and EU of the common
Modern Ukraine
has made the choice it has chose the way of European integration.
However the
European Union is divided into so-called
"old" Europe and new members of the European Union. If "new" Europe, and in
particular Poland will actively lobby interests of Ukraine on a way of the
European integration on the contrary "old" Europe presented by Germany and
France, most likely to say neither yes, or no, trying to postpone process of
Ukrainian integration while the situation with Ukraine will not clear up. Not
enough time has passed from the moment of orange revolution, and is not clear to
Europe yet what «new Ukraine» is like. The USA also are interested in the prompt
integration of Ukraine into EU, and it is not surprising, because recently
joined members of the Union have rather good foreign policy contacts with the
The European
Union is a community of the states, incorporated in common to sustain global
cut-throat competition. And they are not interested in presence of Ukrainian
goods on the market. The illustration of this is annual growth of a share of the
Ukrainian export under antidumping investigations. Scanty position of Ukraine in
the foreign trade turnover of EU shows that today there are no places here for
the basic export branches of our economy (metallurgy, light industry, the
agroindustrial complex). Even economically important joint projects (such as
transport plane An-70) are rejected by the countries of EU on political grounds.
It is obvious
that European integration cannot be estimated unambiguously. Let us try to
estimate what consequences for any country-candidate can be after becoming a
member of EU.
Integration of
the country into the European Community may have the following effects:
–Reduction of
expenses on transaction in foreign trade with the countries of EU;
– Decrease in a
level of borrowing rates in the countries Central and East Europe;
– Increase of
competition level on the European market;
–Clarity of
business operations in the national markets of new EU members.
many countries of Central and East Europe which have joined the European Union,
taking into account essential distinctions in economy, can face such problems as
growth of poverty and social intensity, high inflation and weakness of a
financial system, etc.
positive consequences from becoming a member of the European Union are huge:
– Increase in
volumes of foreign trade of countries - candidates entered EU.
– Migration of
labour, that will have a positive effect on the general level of economic
development of EU.
– Increase in
general level of economic development of countries - members of EU owing to
favorable economic environment.
advantages and disadvantages of countries from integration into EU in financial
aspect it is necessary to note, that they depend first of all on economic policy
and legal system of the countries, and also from ability of the enterprises to
resist competitive pressure within the EU. It is impossible to determine all the
"pluses" and "minuses", but all earnings can be divided into direct and
indirect. Direct one are growth of opportunities of access to the market,
capital forthcoming, direct transfers of financial resources from Europe, and
indirect earnings are improvements of redistribution of factors of production,
increase of efficiency of economic processes, economy of financial resources
owing to release of barriers in operations with the countries of EU. [2]
economic effects of EU expansion to the East are presented in the following
Table 2 –
Economic effects of EU expansion to the East [3]
Influence of expansion Countries - candidates for
members of EU – Reduction of expenses on
transactions in foreign trade with the countries of EU; – Decrease in a level of
borrowing rates in the countries Central and East Europe; – Increase of competition level
on the European market; – Clarity of business operations
in the national markets of new EU members Countries - members of EU – Fringe benefits to exporters; – Geographical expansion of
economic space; – Expansion of the capital
markets integration; – Reduction in expenses owing to
accommodation of separate economic sectors in new countries - members of
EU The European Union – Increase of aggregate demand
and supply; – Increase in distribution of
revenue –Deepening of a competition and
specialization in the European market; – Redistribution of incomes
among community The international economic
relations – Change of geographical
structure of EU foreign commerce; – Increase of a level of
isolation of the European market for countries - members of community – Increase of the economic
importance of EU in structure of the international economic relations Ukraine – Loss of traditional commodity
markets in new members of EU; – Introduction by new members of
EU of non-tariff restrictions, technical, sanitary and other kinds of
the control concerning Ukrainian agricultural production; – Restriction of access of a
labour from Ukraine on labour markets of new members of EU.
Recently the
European Community became the neighbour of Ukraine. On May 1 2004 10 new
countries have joined EU, including Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, which has borders
with Ukraine [4].
For Ukraine the
given expansion in strategic attitude means the further promotion on a way to
the European integration due to which new opportunities of widespread
cooperation will appear. In the tactical attitude this process will have for
Ukraine both positive and negative consequences practically in all spheres of
However, full
membership of Ukraine in the European Union is rather abstract concept. To
integrate into the European Union Ukraine with its population of about 48
million person is not the same, that, for example, integration into EU of
Estonia with its 1,2 million. Besides, Ukraine and the European Union are
divided by an economic gap. So, for example, the gross national product (GNP)
per capita in Ukraine in nominal calculation makes only about thousand dollars
annually while the similar parameter in EU is equal to 20 thousand dollars, and
in developed countries of EU it changes from 23 up to 32 thousand dollars.
Predicted growth of gross national product is shown in figure 2.
Figure 2 –
Growth of real gross national product, % [8]
In spite of the
fact that Ukraine identifies itself as the European state, for western European
people this state (despite all official statements) remains in practice a part
of Eurasia. And integration of this state into EU may lead to undesirable for
the European Union consequences. Therefore, joining of such countries as Ukraine
or Russia to EU is not only a question of discrepancy in legal and economic
system of the West-European standards and these countries, but also in
civilization distinction.
Besides, it is
necessary to take into account that fact that for the first time in the history,
in EU entered such plenty of the countries, which standard of well-being and
level of development of economy are much lower. Such active expansion can
considerably aggravate position in EU both financially and functionally. Any
deterioration of a condition of economic which is reflected in Europe will have
influence on debate concerning expediency of the entry into EU and the
conditions necessary for this entry. [5]
For Ukraine the
pragmatism, real estimation of present situation and statement of the feasible
purposes of integration policy are of great importance nowadays. However, it is
necessary to remember, that organizational forms are not in a static condition,
and constantly develop during changes of prospects of the European integration.
Each new stage
of expansion of the European Union may both to precipitate process of
integration of Ukraine in EU and to slow down it. As G.Soros has noted «
integration is dynamical process: if it does not move forward it is compelled to
go in the opposite direction » [7]
At the present
stage a priority task of the government of Ukraine acceleration of steady
economic growth should be and as consequence European integration, instead of
achievement at any cost criteria for the introduction into EU.
For use of potential opportunities and minimization of negative consequences
from expansion of EU great value have the following factors:
Performance of the Agreement on partnership and cooperation between EU and
Ukraine, in particular acceleration of adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine
to the legislation of EU;
The joining of Ukraine the World trading organization;
Granting to Ukraine on the part of EU of the status of the country with market
economy. It will strengthen positions of Ukraine on foreign markets. For
development of depressive boundary areas it is important to keep boundary trade,
to stimulate cooperation and to enter the simplified visa mode for the Ukrainian
1. Михальченко Н.И.
Украинское общество: трансформация, модернизация или лимитроф Европы? – К.,
2 Наталія Гусинська
Міжнародна економічна інтеграція як глобальна передумова світового економічного
розвитку // Регіональна економіка №4, 2000, с.185-192;
3 Л.Г. Харсун Економічні
наслідки розширення ЄС на Схід // Вісник Київського національного університету
імені Тараса Шевченка, № 73, 2005, с.52-53
4 Lenta.ru,
5 Ирина Бакаева Проблемы
конвергенции стран Центральной и Восточной Европы с Европейским Союзом. //
Економіст №2, 2003, с.36-38
6. Б.Губский Европейский
вектор интеграционной политики Украины // Экономика Украины №5, 2004, с.19-27
7. Сорос Дж. Криза
глобального капіталізму: (Відкрите суспільство під загрозою). К., „Основи”,
1999, с.242
8. Т. Щербакова, А. Блинов.
Открытый шанс закрытого ЕС // Украинский деловой еженедельник «Контракты»
№ 47, 2003