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Masters of DonNTU
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Astapov Artem SergeevichFaculty: ENERGOMECHANICS AND AUTOMATION DEPARTMENT (E&A)Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes and productionChair MEA Theme of master paper work:"Automation of process of regulation of speed of submission of a clearing combine"Research supervisor:   -   Stavitsky Vladimir NikolaevichMaterials on a theme of final work:Abstract | Library | Links | Search | Individual taskE-mail: CURRICULUM VITAE     I, Astapov Artem Sergeevich, was born on October, 24th, 1984 in the city of Donetsk, in family of the engineer. The father, Astapov Sergey Leonidovich, works as the engineer-serviceman. Mother, Astapova Lyudmila Dmitrievna, the bookkeeper.      Up to school exchanged three kindergartens, and for the first time has seen a personal computer in one of which . Year was engaged in sports gymnastics at school of an Olympic reserve.      When I was 7 years old, I went to the first class of Secondary School №2 of Donetsk. Thirst for languages I never had, and to read too, therefore at school has learned to hand over similar subjects changing bulbs in a class and checking wiring, and the world around learnt by direct interaction with it and in dialogue with other people.      From the second class we have started to study English language, and from the seventh class our school became with the profound studying of this language at all. But at school I always loved such lessons as physical culture and mathematics.      Since the eighth class in addition was engaged in mathematics and a little bit physics and chemistry. In 11 class I went on preparatory courses on mathematics and the Ukrainian language at Donetsk National Technical University therefore successfully handed over ratings and entered to DonNTU at the speciality "Automated management by technical processes", faculty energomechanics and automation.      I left school in 2002, passed well all examinations. Having learned some years at university I still doubted of correctness of the speciality that I chose, I liked many subjects, but I didn't knew if I ready to devote to this my life. Studying in DonNTU at the third rate, I enter to Donetsk National University on faculty of additional trades on a speciality "the Translator of the business documentation" where has studied two years, has got acquainted with many splendid people and has got the best friends, and certainly corresponding diploma.      I always showed the great interest to sports and is very grateful to Anatoly Ivanovichu Galash for his lessons in manege of DonNTU. Also, being studed on the third rate DonNTU, I have started to be engaged in karate, and during summer holiday by such kind of mortal art as capoeira. For last two years participated in two backpackings of the first category across Crimea, central-western and central-east its parts gave me indelible impression. Magnificent mountains, the nature, a fire, songs under a guitar and the good company for ever will remain in my heart. The most difficult the first campaign as difficult route has been chosen and having arrived back all by order have been exhausted, however ahead of me were another difficulties: passing of final examinations on the second education and reception of the bachelor of sience at Donetsk National Technical University. Passed successfully all examinations in 2006 I have continued studing at the department of masters in DonNTU.      My scientific adviser became Stavitsky Vladimir Nikolaevich. With him was decided my future master's degree work "Automation of process of regulation of speed of submission winning machine". This theme is rather actual in connection with advantage of use of frequency adjustable drive of submission before others.      At present I continue to study, I work above the master's degree work. I have various hobbies, every possible kinds of sports, dialogue with various people, psychology, walks, carrying out of time on the nature and the noisy companies interest, recently has taken a great interest in piercing and tatto. I assume, that in my further all my interests will have an opportunity to realize and to turn to a reality.      On the ending of a magistracy I wish to have worthy, highly paid work and an opportunity combine it with trainer's or sports activity.
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