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Berezhnoy Alexandr

Berezhnoy Alexandr

Faculty: Power Mechanics & Automation

Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes

Theme of master's work: «The research of processes and motivation system automatic quasi-frequency electric drive of mining chain conveyor»

Leader of work: Assistant professor, Ph.D. Kostyantyn Marenych, a head of the departmen Mining Electrotechnics & Automation,

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search
E-mail: bav@telenet.dn.ua


Personal details

Name: Alexander Berezhnoy
Date of Birth: 6 October 1985
Nationality: Ukrainian
37/72 Shipachova Street
Donetsk 83111
Telephone: +380673981745


Donetsk comprehensive school ¹ 103
Diploma with honour
2002 to present:
Donetsk National Technical University
Diploma of bachelor of automation of technological processes
2005 to present: Institute of post certificate education


Sports: Athletics, running
Additional skills
IBM PC user
Driver’s license (passenger car)
Working knowledge of English


Olga Kaverina,Vice – professor
The head of the English Department
Donetsk National Technical University
Konstantin Marenich, Vice – professor
The head of the Department of mining electrical engineering and automatics named by R.M. Leybov (ÌEA)
Donetsk National Technical University

DonNTU | Master's portal | Abstract | Links | Report about the search