Source: KZ1
Chumakovskaya Preparation Plant was built in 1935, reconstructed in 1965 and 1985. It was designed for processing of raw coking coals using the following methods of coal-dressing: float-and-sink separation, (+13 mm class), jigging (1-13 mm class) and flotation (0-1 mm class). Project capacity of the plant is 2 million tons of raw coal a year, maximum capacity (3,15 million tons a year) was achieved in 1991.It turned out, that in 1996 Chumakovskaya Plant was in difficult technical and financial situation mainly because of 60-70% wear of technological equipment, buildings and constructions. Furthermore, high portion of conditionally fixed charges and insufficient volume of processing (910,000 tons a year) provided high costs of coal processing (up to 11 hryvnia per ton, VAT included) and low operational profitability.
Reconstruction and modernization of plant was needed to overcome crisis condition. However, the plant did not have working capital to do this.
Since 1997 investors ensured full coal feeding of the plant project capacity, credit the plant through supply of material and technical resources and provide thorough overhauls of equipment.
Raw Materials Source Optimization Program, aided by Coal Quality and Technology Laboratory of Ukrkoks Association, and respective technical reequipment programs and organizational-technological measures were developed with the aim of solving the problem of Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya N1 Mine coal processing efficiency increase.
Complex of modern foreign equipment comprising four hydro-cyclones of 500 HCC type from Mosly, hydro-sizer from Stox, four arc sieves from Panaby, and two EBW-36 centrifuges from CMI was bought and introduced (first time in Ukraine) for slurry processing. Total investments for the project were 2,227,000 hryvnia. Summary profits on the complex introduction in 1998 were 188,000 hryvnia considering electric power and auxiliary materials savings only.Technical Reequipment and Reconstruction Program for 2000-2004 provides for 4,5 million of hryvnia investments in 2002 for: stabilization of work of drying and float-filtration sections through change for new unified equipment, improving of gravitational jigging through introduction of modern equipment, ensuring of slurry processing. Stable work of complex will let to decrease fuel consumption needed for coal concentrate drying at about 24% that equal to 400-450 tons of concentrate per month, to increase the plant concentrate output at 1% that equal to about 1300 tons of concentrate per month.
Chumakovskaya Preparation Plant, after merging with Coal Company Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya N1 Mine, formed 95% of its raw materials source of coals of the Mine, and increased production capacity up to 240,000 tons a month thanks to outside investments and competent technical policy
Team-work of two collectives, namely Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zapadnaya No.1 Mine and Chumakovskaya Preparation Plant, let to improve financial condition of the plant and well-being of its personal.