Master: Lyubovskii
Leader of work: Derevyanskii Vadim Yurievich
1. Introduction and ground of actuality.
Coal in Ukraine is a basic power medium, therefore the state of economy of the state depends on coal industry work.
In 2006 volume coal of booty in Ukraine made 80,1 million tons for 4 months 2007 31,6 million tons. By program "Ukrainian coal" ratified the decision of cabinet Ukraine of 19.09.2001 ¹1205 the increase of the coal mining is foreseen to 2010 to 130, and to 2030 to 125 million tons.
One of important terms of this program implementation is providing of safe terms of labour on coal mines. Presently the level of production traumatism in industry continues to remain at high level. For 12 months 2006 on the enterprises of coal industry of Ukraine 9195 people injured, including 200 people it is injured with a mortal end. On being in 01.09.2006 more than 6 thousand of accidents from which 103 is incorporated in industry - with a mortal end. For 8 months 2006 on a transport and getting up it is injured 22 brows. ( - 2 in comparison, with the similar period of 2005 year.), that is 21,4 % the common number of lost. It testifies to the necessity of conducting of works on the increase of safety of labour on the mine transport.
On the mine transport (including on band conveyers) application of automatic and semi-automatic facilities of defence, and also perfection of organization of works and prevention of violations, serves as important direction of prophylaxis of traumatism workings requirements of safety.
The theme of master's degree work is development of facilities and measures of increase of safety at transportation of people band conveyers.
Improvement of terms of labour and its safety are actual questions. In Ukrainian coal industry an extraordinarily important value has providing of safety in connection with the features of mountain production, originative additional dangers. The object of analysis of production traumatism is information about victims and enterprises, circumstances and reasons of accidents.
The purpose of analysis of production traumatism at all levels of production is development and perfection of measures, methods and facilities, providing safety, saving of health and capacity of man in the process of labour.
From data of MacSII in coal industry of Ukraine for period 1994 - 2006 registered 3488 mortal unhappy case, among which considerable part is made by cases happenings on band conveyers.
2. Aims and tasks
The research object is the traumatism in coal industry of Ukraine at the ride on band conveyers for 1994 - 2005.
The purpose of work to develop organizational, organizationally-technical, exercise-educational measures and hardware's of defense for prevention of traumatism at the ride of people on belt conveyers.
Tasks of this work do:
Methods: studying educational literature and lecture material, methods of logistic, statistics, theory of reliability and graphic-analytical analysis of accidents.
3. Review of the executed work and plans on the future
In the process of research work implementation theoretical bases of analysis and prophylaxis of traumatism were studied on coal mines, the ground of scientific approach is given to consideration of safety problems, the review of legislative and normatively-legal frameworks of safe transportation of people is made by belt conveyers, the graphic-analytical model of accident is built, the choice of facilities of defense of belt conveyer and measure is carried out on prevention of accidents.
It is planned to make a calculation and patent a device for frontal tails from a band conveyer.
The obtained results will allow, at complex application substantially to reduce a traumatism at the ride of people on freight band conveyers, and also efficiency of works on prevention of accidents during exploitation of mines band conveyers.