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Theme of master's degree work is:

"The research and development of fundamental for adhesive technology of gold enhancement"



Recently principle new technological process of gold obtaining from ore and deposits based on adhesive selected effect of oleophilic hydrophobic gold particles to granules made from coal and mineral oil (agglomeration “coal-gold”) has been developed. The technology contains the mixture of gold mash with coal oil granules, granule separation from mash by crashing of flotation, recirculation of granule particles to increase the level of their gold impregnation and gold obtaining from loaded granules (for example, burning). [1-10]


The purpose is the research and development of gold adhesive enrichment technology. For the achievement of this purpose the following tasks were set:

1. to do the analysis of gold enrichment existed technologies;

2. to research the mechanism of coal oil granule-bearers obtaining;

3. to develop the rational technological scheme and methods of coal oil granule obtaining;

3. to develop the rational technological scheme and methods of coal oil granule obtaining;

5. to research experimentally gold adhesive enrichment;

6. to develop the technology of gold adhesive enrichment.


The scientific novelty of the gold adhesive enrichment process is the principle new technology of gold obtaining from ores and deposits which is based on the effect of selective gold particle adhesion from coal oil granules.

The practical value of the process is the following:

-the achievement of high results for different types and qualitative figures of initial raw materials;

-the possibility of its usage for materials with wide granulometric structure and in this case gold ultra fine obtaining;

-the constant speed of gold obtaining from mash, it doesn’t depend on metal in granules;

-the level of granule loading by gold practically doesn’t have limits.



On the department “The useful fossil enrichment” the problems of adhesive gold enrichment were studied by Elishevich A.T., Bilezkij V.S. and Samojlov A.I. The common researches were also held with Institute of biocolloid chemistry NAS in Ukraine.

DonNTU developed technological bases of adhesive gold enrichment. The process is based on the effect of oleophilic hydrophobic gold particles selective adhesion to coal oil granules. The technology contains the transportation of gold mash with coal oil granules, the separation of granules from mash on crashing or their flotation, the granule recirculation to increase their enrichment level by gold and gold obtaining from granules, for example burning.

The lab researches of DonNTU and Institute of biocolloid chemistry NAS in Ukraine have shown the possibility the increasing of ultra fine gold adhesive enrichment effectiveness due to special coal oil granule bearer modification. So received results are more important than those ones which were got abroad.

The adhesive gold enrichment technology allows:

1. to provide the safe obtaining of gold particle from mash with the size of 5-500 mkm (the technology DonNTU - IBCC - also lower 5 mkm);

2. to enrich the received raw material with gold from 0,25 gr/t and higher;

3. to provide the obtaining of useful component from ore on the level 79-99% with gold 0,25-20 gr/t .

The new technology in the new aspect is much clearer leaching, its technological possibilities on fine gold are higher than for floating and gravity ways.

The bench-top testing proved its effectiveness.


Nowadays such adhesive enrichment processes have already developed abroad as:

1. Process CGA (Coal Gold Agglomeration) of company British oil and minerals and Davy McKee.

2. Process of company Precions Mineral Technologies Pty Ltd.

3. Process Carbad of company Carbad Pty Ltd.

Process CGA (Coal Gold Agglomeration) of company British oil and minerals and Davy McKee. The process technological scheme is given on picture 1. The ore is firstly crashed, then grinded. The ore mash is conditioned by SAS, after that it is mixed with coal oil granules in order set vats. The gold is transformed into granules. The granules are separated from gobs by for example flotation, and then it is directed for the contact with fresh mash. So the necessary level of granule enrichment by gold is achieved. The gold obtaining from loaded granules is accomplished by burning with the next ash fusing [4].

Technological scheme

Pic.1 - Technological scheme of adhesive process.

The process has been researched in lab conditions on the device with the productivity 20 kg/hour (on ore) and tested on the half-industrial device with the productivity 1 t/hour [11].

The raw material for granule bearers is coal with the size 0,1 (0,05) mm. the connection is gas oil. The reagent cost is 15-25 % dry mass. For ore conditioning before adhesive enrichment the flotation collectors are used which increases the gold particle lipophily. As a collector sodium amyl acetate is used if 200-500 gr/t received ore.

The operation of granule-bearers preparation is carried out separately according to the technology of oil agglomeration.

The adhesive enrichment properly (adhesive concentration) is carried out in agitators in case intensive mixture of water-ore mash with coal oil granules with turbulent regime (impeller is used) [12].

DonNTU Master's portal Links Library Report about the search Task