e-mail: Ma4o51@mail.ru
In my opinion, this theme is urgent because of the low attention paid to it nowadays. We can see that there is no automate reversal of VGW air stream in mines. But today, there is a possibility of cultivating and improving the process of the air stream reverse automation because of modern devices, armed with microcontrollers. That is why the aim of my work is the automation of the pit air stream.
We have chosen the automation variant that automatically turns working wheel trowels with a help of electric motor when the speed of working ventilator wheel has been minimized.
To avoid the air blow and to prevent injury as trowels and ventilator in whole, one should place a stop before the ventilator working wheel (pic.1), that, with gradual narrowing, diminish the air stream. It helps to prevent the air blow and gives a chance of unhindered turn of working wheel trowels on the move and without ventilator stop.
Picture 1 - The stop for prevent the air blow of ventilator (animation: 5 cadre, 5 review)
The stop consists of metal petals - plates that are located in round and linked with movable ring or lead.
By turning the ring round the petals come to the centre and diminish the diameter of the opening, or disperse and increase the diameter of the opening.
By measuring the diameter with the stop, one can control the amount of the air stream, that comes through the stop towards the working wheel.
But, taking the aerodynamics ventilator descriptions into account and according to that type of the ventilator that is set in the mine one should mind external dimension and connector size.
External dimension and connector sizes
It's necessary to chose the material and the stop size correctly to avoid the air blow that may cause the distraction of the stop.
In the given work the ventilator sets are analyzed, that are used for airing the mine. The aerodynamics ventilators descriptions are shown. The program in simplification and speeding-up of the air expense that is necessary in safety instruction.
The elaboration of the automatic device of trowels turning to the given angle for the change of air stream to the opposite side is shown. It helps to lower the time expenses for the air stream reverse that increase the productivity, and primarily the necessary reverse in emergency conditions goes faster and helps to save many lives.
The facts of the research will be used and improved in further researches and degree thesis.