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Faculty: Geotechnology and Management of ProductionSpecialty: Safety of labour activityAuthor: Narizhnaya Svetlana VladimirovnaTopic: "Research of the atmosphere state and development of measures to improve the workplace atmosphere parameters at Stylsky open pit of Dokuchayevsky flux-dolomite industrial complex" |
Development of measures to improve the atmosphere parameters at workplaces is a topical and important problem nowadays.
During open pit production there can be listed a number of cases of the negative influence on the environment: influence on the lithosphere due to creation of new physical bodies and other processes; deformation of the surface by dumps and open pits; pollution of the air by dust and contaminating substances; pollution of soil near the mine; hydrological and hydro-geological contamination on local and global levels; direct and indirect influence on the wildlife.
For the enterprise under consideration it has become extremely urgent to work out measures useful from ecological, economical, social and technological points of view, simultaneously increasing the productivity of the enterprise.
to study the peculiarities of technological processes of a mining enterprise in order to decrease its harmful influence on the environment at the expense of grounded economic-ecological methods.
Stylsky lime and dolomite pit of Dokuchayevsky flux-dolomite industrial complex. Dolomite and lime are important mineral raw materials. They are used in metallurgy as special admixtures as well as in building.
Pollution of the mine air. Recently there has been a tendency to increase the volumes of contaminated substances. The main source of pollution is Dokuchayevsky flux-dolomite industrial complex. The enterprise emits a lot of dust, nitric, ferrous, calcium, silica oxides. They are not very toxic, but they decrease the atmosphere transparency, give more fogs by 50%, precipitation by 10%. In total 1 person gets 46 kilos of contaminating substances a year. Pollution per year amounts to 48.38 thousand tons.
Main sources of pollution are the following processes: drilling and blasting operations, handling operations, extraction and handling operations, blowing off the dust from pit-edges, shipment of the mineral to the place of treatment, fragmentation, sorting and blending of the mineral, piling.
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Рисунок 1 - Anymyrovana chart of selection of dust and gas in an atmosphere.
1. Collection of the data on the enterprise activity. The analysis of its activity, finding the flaws in the ecological sphere on the basis of the production activity and processing of the literature on the problems.
2. Comparison of the factual and permissible dust and pollutants emissions into the atmosphere.
3. Analysis of the quarry ventilation and climatic conditions in the area of Stylsky quarry and at workplaces.
4. Development of the measures aimed at ventilation efficiency at the quarry.
5. Working out of ways to increase efficiency of mine dust control at the quarry and decrease its emission into the atmosphere.
6. Development of the methods to decrease the amount of toxic gases into the quarry atmosphere and environment as the result of blasting operations and diesel machines work.
During the research the following methods are used: analytical, value engineering, systematic and structural data analysis, statistical technology - of correlation and regression analysis, methods of expert evaluation, statistical data manipulation, statistical analysis of data distribution, comparison, alternative choice, mathematical simulation and prognostication, simulation, use of full-scale experiment, empirical analysis and analysis of situational tasks.
In 2004 trial production of ironed dolomite flux (IDF) was started. It was meant for use as flux in ferrous metallurgy and blast-furnace production. The feed sock for flux production was dolomite and iron-containing material. Since March 2005 it has been produced commercially. In total there has been produced 125 th tons.
During open-cast production soil and vegetation covering is damaged, water regime is changed, water and soil are contaminated (especially during drilling and blasting operations); animals and birds leave the territory, vast territories are excluded from agricultural use. Large quarries of mineral building material destroy large soil areas and cause the effect of hydro-geological depression funnel, thus decreasing the underground water level in the areas 10-15 times more than the open-cast mining area.
To increase the efficiency of methods of dustiness and gas content control the following ways to decrease the pollution into the atmosphere are suggested:
1.Neutralization of the pollutants by transferring toxic substances into less toxic or even neutral ones - this is the chemical method;
2.Gas and particles absorption by the whole mass of the special substance called absorbent. Usually gases are absorbed by liquid - water or solutions. Air is directed through the dust collector operating on the principle of water wash or water is dispersed in scrubbers where it also catches gases.
3.Gas treatment by adsorbents - bodies with large inside and outside area. Among these are different types of coal, silica gel, alum gel.
4.To treat gas oxidation and catalytic oxidation processes are used.
5.Electrostatic collectors are also used to clean gas and air.
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