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Donetsk National Technical University Nikolaev Pavel

Nikolaev Pavel


Geotechnologies and production management


Mining of mineral deposits

Theme of the research work:

                 Finishing of workable reserves of a mine field and choice of the efficient mining method the coal seam m5 at                                                                                 «Dobropolskaya» mine of «Dobropolyeugol».

Supervisor of my research work: Associate professor candidate of engineering sciences Klochko I.I.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library | Links | Report about the search | Personal task
e-mail: Nikolaev1@ukr.net          NikolaevPavel10@rambler.ru

Childhood and school:

I was born on Januaru,11, 1985 in Dobropolye. In 1992 I went to secondary school ¹19. I remember very well that first day at school, when I first put on my school uniform, met my first teacher, who was a very kind and good person. I studied quite easily, but I never got excellent marks, because I wasn’t very persevering. My favorite subjects were history and maths. My school years were full of sporting competitions. I liked football very much. And my best achievement was that our school team took the first pride in the town competition among schools.

Higher Institution:

When I was in the 11th form I learned from my friends that there is “school of mining engineers”, where I can get prepared for entrance exams in DonNTU. after this course I could enter university after the interview only. But I still had to choose my future career. My father helped me. He advised “Mining of mineral deposits”, explaining that I could easily find a job. Then I didn’t understand what this specialty was, but I decided not to refuse, as my best friend also chose this specialty. And after school exams I passed my entrance interview and became a student.


First it was quite difficult to get used to life in a hostel, to groupmates, but later on I started to feed quite comfortable. I thought studying was too easy, but then there were exams. It was extremely difficult, and I decided it is deter to do my best during the term, that to have problems during my exams. After that I didn’t have problems with my studies. I got interested in my specialty and now I don’t regret that Ivechosen this career. After I got my bachelor degree, I decided to continue studies at the master’s degree course.

My research work:

The theme of my master’s degree work is “ Finishing of workable reserves of a mine field and choice of the efficient mining method”. I’ve chosen it because it is topical for many mines, and the solution of this problem will allow to becrease the expenses on the development of a coal seam, thus decreasing the coal prime cost. My supervisor has been working with this topic for many years and he is an excellent specialist in this area.

My future plans:

After graduation I am going to work in the coal mining industry. I hope to contribute to the development of this branch of industry, to make working conditions for a miner easier . I think that our   university  is the best technical higher institution in Ukraine. It trains highly qualified specialists.

DonNTU      Master's portal

Abstract | Library | Links | Report about the search | Personal task