Rus Ua Dissertation Article Literature
Abramova Elena Anatolivna Physic -metallurgical faculty of Donetsk national technical university, master of group MT -06m |
Master's thesis theme is " Study of the influence of local deformation - thermal processing on structure and characteristic of the welded joining the pipes for gas route"
My name is Abramova Elena Anatolievna. I was born the April 17 1985 in Donetsk. In 1989 parents have returned in kindergarten 184, where on joy of the parents was realized that wit to find the general language with all children as calm so and spoilt. In group I was a calm child, has in that place opened the talent to drawing. Much proud that drawings remained on memory from babes with congratulations at my birth day with good wish.
In 1992 has entered in younger school 52 with art specialization by gradient and music pianoforte on class. I was studied drawing and modeling. In this period my works were exposed on school exhibition.
In 1994 I have entered in senior school 52, in class, where studied French and English, and also on the base of the national university economic. In music school each floor year were an exams and academic concertoes, as well as I took the participation in concerto of the school chorus.
In 1998 I was graduated music school, has got the certificate about completion.
Since 1999 get busy as athlete, in consequence I have got the second adult category, alas, got trauma, I have solved to throw the professional sport and concern with "for itself".
I occupied the prize places in 2000 in district olympiad on histories of the Ukraine and geographies. In 2002 passed in the beginning in school selection aurochs on junior academy of the sciences in section marketing. My work has produced the good impression on jury and I was invited in Kiev on conference. After report I have got the diploma. So I offered to enter in national university, but has subsequently chosen technical, where entered in 2002 on interview test, because I have finish school with gold medal.
In 2003 I passed the contest on job title team – leader in children summer camp DONNTU "Silver bugle". For high achievements in skill to organize the leisure, find the general language with miscellaneous children, personnel, and other positive quality that has allowed to obtain attention and respects management, has offered me the close co-operation and hereinafter.
In 2005 I took part in day of the science, where has presented their own given characteristic on studies polymeric pipe line. In this year has got the diploma of the bachelor on professions applied "Applied Material Science".
In 2006 after ingenious delivery of the exam on English on program "Upper - Intermediate" I have got the certificate confirming this.
For years teaching on the department of "Physical Material Science" I studied such disciplines as Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals, Physicist of the Condensed State, Methods of Structural Analysis, Powder and Composition Materials, Nonmetallic Materials, Diagnostics and Fault Detection and others.
Has This year entered in magistracy DonNTU on profession Metal science, where at present continue its education and scientific activity, having chosen subjects it is enough actual in established at our time situation connected with oil and gas pipes.
This year turned out to be it is enough saturated: at April I has took part in All–Ukrainian olympiad on material science in Harkov; the participation in conferences in Makeevka and in Day to science on native pulpit.
In the future I hope to find my self in my professions.