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Gaplevskaya N.I. Gaplevskaya Natalya Igorevna

Physical-and-metallurgical department
Speciality: Thermal power
group TP-06m

Theme of master's
thesis: "The investigation of alternative fuel use during heat-and-power equipment operations"

Leader of master's thesis: PhD Lebedev Aleksandr Nikolayevich

Ukrainian     Russian     English


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This is the most informative sources, what was used in master's thesis:

  1. Experiments in catalytic reaction engineering by J.M. Berty, Berty Reaction Engineers, Ltd., Fogelsville, PA, USA.

  2. Handbook of natural gas transmission & processing by Mokhatab Saeid, POE William a., Speight James G., 160 p.

  3. Hydrocarbon chemistry, (2nd Ed.) by OLAH George, 650p.

  4. Natural gas conversion VIII, 167, Proceedings of the 8th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, 2007, Natal, Brazil.

  5. Gas encyclopaedia by L. Medard, et al. Hardbound, 1164 p.

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