I, Lomakin Andrey Vladimirovich, was born the December 22 1983 in city Zugrese Doneckoy area. In 1989 will go in 1 class then else secondary school 17.
The First several classes learned;learnt say not on fine and even not on well... Apropos "october" became in the first class...
Fast whole this be last soviet "issue" october! Hereinafter with training became better and in 1998 has finished 9 classes on fine.
During training sport raged in school, commencing football and finishing chess, apropos on chess its third category poluchil.
....С 1998 on 2002 learned;learnt in Zuevskom energy technical school, on completion which has got the diploma of the younger specialist on professions "Montage and servicing the energy equipment heat electric station". Summer 2002 was given complex... During protection of the diploma in technical school happened to anew to teach long ago forgotten, but required for arrival in HIGH SCHOOL course mathematicians.
Else wanted say that diploma in technical school will be a serious significant part of that work, which finish our VUZ.
....Professional "Heat electric stations" I have chosen... guess why? For five years of the education in Don NTU (four in Don NTU and one in Don GTU) either as all approximite students participated in conference, wrote the article... Except obligatory "physical cultures once at week" nearly three years concerned with the fight. Well and certainly conducted leisure as as one should normal person who lives in dormitory by Summer 2006 reptiles settled down on constant work in job titles of the engineer in design institute DPI SEI"Teploelektroproekt", where and work before present-day dnya.