Nikolayeva АlexandraTheme of master's work:
1. Actuality of theme
Blast-furnace production is one of basic manufacture of ferrous metallurgy, contaminating an
environment. A plenty of the gas emissions and wastes appear at production of pig-iron
(blast-furnace slag, blast furnace dust, blast-furnace sludge, sludge of washing and casting machines,
apart seating of pellets and sinter).
The losses of iron in blast-furnace production with the dust and shlam make to a 70 kg/t of
pig-iron. Taking into account the raw material value of these wastes, their return in the
technological processes appears expedient and actual.
Processing and utilization of wastes are important not only from point of their use as an
alternative sources of raw material, but also from point of guarding of environment.
Production of pig-iron takes most of energy in ferrous metallurgy; it consumes more than 50% of
energy, used by metallurgy enterprises with a complete cycle.
The rise of level of use of the second materials and power resources conduces to the decline
material- and energy containing of products and economy of primary resources.
2. Purpose and tasks of work
The primary purpose of work is development of scheme and choice of equipment for the
organization of sources-saving technology of blast-furnace production, and also analysis of
technical-economical and ecological indexes of its efficiency.
The most main tasks are: deep analysis of blast-furnace production, exposure of sources of
negative influence on environment, review of existent progressive schemes of complex preparation
and utilization of the second resources of metallurgical production.
3. Current and planned results
At the present stage I’m collecting and analyzing of information about different variants of organization of resources-saving in blast-furnace production and in metallurgy in general. Different variants of charts of short-wastes blast-furnace production are built and analyzed now. In a prospect I plan to make, offer and ground a new progressive scheme of blast-furnace production for conditions of OJSC «Donetsksteel – MP».
4. Conclusion
Utilization of wastes is the deposit of the rational use of natural resources. This index still low enough on domestic enterprises. Taking into account the value of many wastes, them recycling will be extremely advantageous from the material point of view and with ecological point too. However development of schemes and selection of equipment must be carried out coming from the volumes of formation of the second resources at the certain plant, and also their chemical and granulometric composition, existent building of factory and etc.
The links chart
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