Little about itself
I was born in city Donetsk October 22 1984.
Either as majority children went in kindergarten. At 6 years began to learn in general school 91 with
deepened a study of english. Drawing raged in school, why that exact sciences were given easier than
humanitarian. Tenth and eleventh class has finished on fine. In eleventh class wrote the research work
on mathematician. Participated in contest-protection of the research work students - members to Small
academy of the sciences of the Ukraine and came out winner district stage. In school learned; learnt
since 1991 on 2002. Finishing education in school 91 with silver by medal. Its certificate about full
secondary educations has got in 2002.
In 2002 has entered in Donetsk national
technical university on conversation. It Am Trained I on one of ancient and well-earned professions
physical-metallurgical faculty - "Metallurgy of the ferrous metalses". Research work concerned with on
the fourth course. At May 2006 participated in research conference student physical-metallurgical
faculty denoted, eighty fifth anniversary DONNTU. In 2006 has got the diploma of the bachelor and has
solved to continue its education in magistracy. After completion of the magistracy plan to work at
MMZ "ISTIL Ukraine", where hope is evaluated my potential up-to-the-mark and begin career of the
engineer of the metalworker.