My science work is in the time of "creation". It is here only resulted approximately 1/4 part of it. Here it is.Decontamination of mines is a set of the actions directed on extraction and catching to metane which is allocated from various to concentration. Decontamination should be carried out also at all in all those cases, when possible recycling gas to metane. In that case when decreaseof the maintenance in miner air to the established norm is not possible to metane by means of gains metane. Decontamination should be provided in special sections and subitems of civil-engineering designs and reconstruction mines, opening and preparations of horizons, blocks, panels and passports of conducting mountain works. Construction and operation systems on working shafts it is carried out under projects which are developed by project institutes, Design - design offices of a production association also affirm when due hereunder to delivery of shaft in Explaining note and graphic materials that make technological, electromechanical and building parts, and also an explanation of expediency of extraction to metane. In an explanatory note are described: are given about expected campacity of gas sites, including on sources of allocation to metane; Graphic materials contain: the plan of mountain works with drawing working chinks; the circuit of a gas main with the instruction of all control and measuring campacity of gas Equipments and regulating armature; geological cuts about the nearest chink.
Decontamination of the mine obtaining site or separate mountain development can be stopped, if actual Below design and means of ventilation provide ðàçáàâëåíèå to metane that is allocated, to concentration regulated with safety rules. Decontamination of coal layers chinks, that were bored with development, is carried out during preparation of layers to extraction. This method of decontamination is used both at bored posts, and at continuous systems of development if in the latter case there is a sufficient advancing of preparatory development be relative
At decontamination of coal layers by the given method, chinks bores in a plane of a layer for metane, falling or under a corner to a line where it lies, and also at their combination or through pedigree thickness in a Christ liying a layer. Such circuits can be applied at any values of capacity that êóòà falling of a layer, and with drilling chinks through pedigree thickness plastic chinks are better for placing perpendicularly to a direction of the basic system of cracks . For improvement of efficiency of decontamination on high productive obtaining sites, layers with campacity of gas it is more than 10 method of chinks, that were bored in parallel layer. Are disconnected from networks for humidifying a file before a zone of basic pressure, and layer, developed on after end of works from a forcing of water in a layer. Developed on cleaning bored layer should cover not less third part of length of a lava. Decontaminations that provide drilling chinks from two development. True decontamination of a layer should be carried out not less than 6 months by horizontal chinks and not less than 12 months. Parameters of circuits of decontamination are the following parameters: the corner of an inclination of chinks gets out depending on conditions of lied up to layer and their arrangement in production ; distance between chinks; density of drilling holes.
Mine gas from vacuum pump four streams of variable productivity and structure acts in an entrance collector installations. Each of four streams through a regulator can be deduced on a candle at low concentration in itto metane and maintenance necessary productivity of installation by other streams. For this purpose the regulating device on a line of an output on a candle opens and is covered on an input of the basic stream in a collector. From a collector gas two parallel streams acts on drainage in absorbers è-1/1,2 (a line 1). In absorbers gas contacts with cooled up to 15 With water that moves on an irrigation pumps N-1/1,2,3 (a line 5). For prevention to presence êðàïåëüíî ¿ a moisture in a gas stream as a result of possible mechanical carrying out of water from an absorber
The drained gas from separators with temperature 35/36 With acts in electric heaters ÏÅ-1 (a line 3) where it is heated up to the set temperature 40 With also moves on burning in the module (a line 4). At insufficient concentration to metane in the drained basic stream of gas before heating to itgas from superficial is added stream of gas before heaters ÏÅ-1. For preservation of the set productivity of installation the balance difference of gas in addition is deduced from entrance streams part of a stream of natural gas or gas from the superficial chinks, heated up in an electric heater to temperature 40 with (lines 12, 13), it is used as gas of an inflammatory doze for forcamera in modules. ª-1 (the line 10) also circulates in system behind the circuit: capacity ª-1? A line 8 Pump N-1/1,2,3 A line 9 Filter F-1/1,2 Refrigerating machinery ÕÀ-1/1,2 A line 5 Absorber è-1/1,2 A line 6 Pump N-2/1,2,3 A line 7 Capacity ª-1. Balance difference waters from absorbers è-1/1,2 that caught of dropping a moisture from separators æ-1/1,2 and æ-2 through on cleaning constructions. The allocated gas is allocated on a candle (a line 21). Cables, which are fixed on a surface of pipelines with the following covering òåïëîèçîëÿöèåé. The constructive decision of system of pipelines for heating is accepted behind optimum variant: During work of installation in absorber è-1/1,2 the water level in the bottom section gradually increases in connection with accumulation For leading mine gas to installation and deducing of the basic stream of the drained gas the lining underground is stipulated pipeline Du of 700 mm; for leading natural gas and gas from superficial chinks - ground pipelines Du of 200 mm and for deducing gas drainages from devices and pipelines of installation are allocated through collector Äó of 200 mm (a line 12) in existing drainage system.
Thermal energy is made by unit JMS 620 (manufactures Jenbacher, Austria) which uses as fuel co-opted mine gas with the maintenance of metane of 25 % also is selected in a circuit is warm the Thermal circuit provides holiday of the heat-carrier - hot water - under the temperature schedule coolings, thus a stream of exhaust gases directs around heat-conducting Æ-6.1. Æ-6.12 (the circuit trumpe exhaust gas is activated) by means of valves regulating Êð-1.5. Êð-12.5 (NVC2) and Êð-1.4. Êð-12.4 (NVC3). Activation of a circuit trumpet is carried out by the dispatcher from a control panel. At decrease of temperature of a return stream is lower 68/Ç put on and on an input in units hot water 110/Ç, and Êð-1.3. Êð-12.3 (TCV5) which temperatures at growth of a return stream are higher 70/Ç directs in all stream, or his part, through heat-conductors.
The project of automation is developed according to the decisions accepted in a technological part of the project, in view of effective standards The monitoring system and automation provides: the control of technological parameters; the remote control and registration by technological parameters; automatic regulation of technological parameters; management of separate units of the process equipment; signal-alarm about a deviation of technological parameters for allowable borders; protection of the process equipment; signal-alarm about a condition of separate units technological bars and opening of a latch gas on a candle at achievement of a gassed condition of air 50%ÍÊÏÂ. The monitoring system and automation will consist from implements a field level, which is programming the logic controller and the worker
Control panel that workstation are delivered by firm " Èíòñîë " (Donetsk). 1. Instrumentations. 1.1. Instrumentations indicating: 1.2. Analog gauges: 1.2.2. Pressure; 1.2.3. A level; 1.2.4. Charges; 1.2.5. Concentration; 1.3. The gauge - relay; 1.4. Humidity: 2. Contours of regulation provide stabilization below parameters 4. Contours of discrete management provide: 5. The signal system provides: 6. Installation electric and trumpet delay to execute according to with ÑÍèÏ 3.05.07-85" Systems of automation ”, ÑÍèÏ 3.05.06-85
Water fuse, ïîäñîñ air in a chink on cracks that have arisen as a result of subsidence of breeds, etc.) concentration of metane in gas that is pumped out, can fall to the top border explosive (14 %) and at presence of a source of ignition possible explosion of gas in system of decontamination with distribution of it under certain conditions in mine. [1] Explosion of gas in the installation the following reasons also can cause: low or insufficient pressure of gas before the consumer In gas truncle with formation in it explosive mixes; formation in a gas main of a water fuse from drops of water. All set forth above problems that arise at decontamination of coal layers, exist and at operation of the new project
From extraction to metane on ÊÃÅÑ mines , started in work more recently, notwithstanding what almost all system of decontamination is equipped with new foreign devices of protection, the control and regulation of work of installation. (the Project of automation is developed according to the decisions accepted in a technological part of the project in view of effective standards that concern designing and the safety precautions. [2]) However any system of automatic regulation roblem of designing, and then adjustment and operation of systems of regulation. [3]
That have arisen at station, us was found that the majority of malfunctions has arisen in result of " inaccurate carrying out » hydraulic calculation of all gas main. It also has resulted in the certain malfunctions as armatures, and practically all heat-conductors.
At the decision of problems of an intensification of process of decontamination of coal layers there was also a problem of designing of gas amalgamators, Which are necessary for realization continuous mixing of two gases (mixes) and reception concerning a homogeneous field of concentration on an output. [4] But, taking into account importance of the gas amalgamator it has been developed useful model (the application for useful model is completely prepared for submission in Óêðïàòåíò). Her is resolutting the task of creation of an injection multitorch torch for burning gas of different caloric content with the purpose not only to raise reliability and an overall performance heat-conductors devices, but also recycling and greasy drains decreaseof environmental contamination. [5]