
        Aniskin Sergey Vadimovich

Faculty: Computer Science and Informatics
Speciality: System Programming

Master's work:

"Development of methods for decomposition of algorithm for realization in systems on chip"

Supervisor: Malcheva Raisa Viktorovna

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    I was born on March, 3rd, 1985 at 6:31 in my native city of Donetsk. I was a capricious child and required a great attention, therefore, when parents went to work, I was always left under supervision of my grandfather and grandmother. At an early age, I liked very much to disassemble different toys, but the reverse process was seldom successful. The cheerful and interesting life ended soon, because I went to kindergarten.I did not like it to much and now I remember with a smile, what ways I used to remain at home.


    I learned to read and write early enough - thanks to my parents for persistence. In 1992, I went to a comprehensive school ¹97 in Donetsk. I was very lucky with my first teacher: the woman of the kindest soul. I studied from the first form and had good academic progress, all subjects came very easily. In spite of this, I had a lot of free time (especially in initial classes). From all subjects, I loved biology and Russian literature most of all, and less - history. I loved biology, because it was very interesting, and Russian literature – because it was taught by Borodina Valentine Aleksandrovna. When teacher taught subject so interesting, it should be loved. I participated in almost all competitions (except of history, certainly) and took an active part in school life (uncountable set of amateur performances). In the 11 form I wrote work for the JAS (Junior Academy of Science) in biology. In the same form, I took a great interest in programming; I liked the process of program creation, a chance to show creative thinking. Programming is considered as one of the most creative processes and certainly demands good memory, logic and diligence. Programming at school was taught at a low level (it is possible to say badly), but I have resolutely chosen this occupation for myself and I had to learn it by myself.


    I left school with a gold medal, and entered university after an interview (without examination), therefore I am very grateful to my school teachers and form master Rybalko Lyudmila Dmitrievna for the invaluable contribution to my life. I entered, naturally, Donetsk National Technical University because programming is taught here well and academic staff is also good. It’s quite difficult to study here, but, considering how the occupations connected with computer technologies are popular today, I do not complain, though if there were be my will, I would keep only about five subjects in the programme. To my fifth year, I have understood that the received knowledge will help me little in the search for a job – today they are not so up-to-date, which is certainly a great drawback. Now I understand that I can’t find a good job without my own efforts, it is practically impossible. I began to learn modern technologies and programming languages. I have a good knowledge of C ++, XML, OpenGL, SQL, Java and many other things.
    In 2006, I took part in the first International Student's Scientific and Technical Conference with the report "Knowledge testing system" (the supervisor of the studies was candidate of technical science, the associate professor of the department of the CE (Computer Engineering) Malcheva R.V. In the winter of 2007, I took part in the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Computer science and computer technologies” with reports  “Analysis of the market of tools in the framework of development of imitating program code documenting model” and “Development of the prototype of realization of a principle of self-documenting”.
    In 2006, I have received the bachelor's degree and continued studying in magistracy. Theme of my master’s works is “Development of methods for decomposition of algorithm for realization in systems on chip”. The supervisor of my master's work is a candidate of technical science, the associate professor of faculty of the department of the CE Computer Engineering) Malcheva Raisa Viktorovna. The work considers existing methods of decomposition of a microprogram algorithm, an opportunity of their joint application, and new algorithms are developed. Decomposition of an algorithm is a splitting it into sub-graphs to satisfy restrictions of the System on Chip. The work is topical and allows realizing an optimum microprogram algorithm on the given logic elements that can cut down expenses considerably and increase speed.
    As to my hobbies … At leisure-time I like to listen music and watch films, I learn to play guitar, but I permanently lack time. I listen to practically everything that “lay down on hearing” and has an intelligent text.


    The occupation of a programmer demands constant improvement of knowledge, therefore the future depends only on me and I don’t expect help from anybody. I wish very much to find a worthy job to which I shall devote myself completely. Today I attend the Java courses which are delivered by employees of XITEX Company, thank them for this. It is, certainly, pleasant to be engaged in such work which you like.  In general - I shall try. Everyone, who may be interested in details of my life, may write to me per email – I shall answer by all means.

Helix (Chester), 2007
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