I, Benesko Andrey Olegovich, was born on September, 27th, 1985 in the city of Makeyevka. The father – Benesko Oleg Anatolevich,
mother – Benesko Natalia Nikolaevna. In the childhood I was very inquisitive child. Therefore I learned much from books.
Except for reading, a lot of my time borrowed football.
Time to go to school has come very suddenly. And here on September, 1st, 1992 before me doors of
an elementary school ¹5 of Makeyevka have opened. The set of pupils in the first classes passed by criterion "skills and abilities".
Two classes "A" and "G" were formed from able to read and write. Since I by that moment "drew" letters clumsily enough, I was defined in "1-Å",
that obviously have not satisfied my parents. I worked hard and the result has not kept itself waiting long. My successes have been
noticed at school, and already after the first quarter I have been studied in "1-G". This moment has remained the brightest memoirs
for 3 years of studying in ES ¹5.
In 1995 I have passed to study in liceum ¹1 with school ¹61 in Makeyevka. My class teacher became the
teacher of Russian and the literature Demidenko Irina Petrovna – the person of outstanding organizing abilities. Our class participated
in a plenty not only school, but also city actions. Besides Irina Petrovna has appeared the organizer of tourist trips. Pupils of our
class have visited St.-Petersburg, Kiev, Lvov, Odessa, Crimea, Uman.
In high school I began to give more attention to sports. During studying in liceum I was engaged in basketball, sports gymnastics,
a kickboxing, took part in city competitions among schoolboys on football and table tennis.
In the end of 7-th class at school there was a selection of pupils in "lyceum" classes of a technical and humanitarian structure.
Considering to ability to engineering science and dislike to write compositions, I have chosen a technical direction.
In the autumn selection to school for the presented children "Erudite" in directions: mathematics,
computer science, physics, chemistry and biology was spent. I have decided to try the forces. Since I already then understood
perspectivity of information technologies, my choice has fallen to computer science. To tell the truth, with a level of knowledge
for that moment in this subject my chances of receipt were close to zero. But here the role Madam Success has played. Entrance
examinations were spent in the form of tests from 20 questions. I, fairly, knew answers only on first two, but have somehow guessed
answers on sixteen.
Studying at school "Erudite" was spent to last Saturday and Sunday of each month. The teachers were teachers from Donetsk national
technical university and Institute of an artificial intellect. Some lectures contained a material which as I after have learned, read
on the 3d rate at university. But there was nothing to do, and I had to borrow in self-education to continue training at this school.
Studying in the native liceum with 8-th on 11-th classes was too the extremely sated. To various performances, trips on cities
numerous Olympiads were added. I was the winner of city Olympiads on computer science, the physicist, chemistry, the prize-winner
of city Olympiad on Russian and the literature. It was promoted obviously by a high level of teaching in liceum. City Olympiads in
chemistry which practically turned to Olympiad among pupils of our class since for four years of participation in them we always
borrowed first three places were especially remembered. I participated in regional Olympiads in chemistry and twice on computer science
three times. This experience to me has helped to overcome excitement before the further introductory tests in university.
I have ended liceum ¹1 with school ¹61 in 2002 with a gold medal.
In 11-th class before me there was a problem of receipt in high school. My choice has fallen to Donetsk national technical university
as on one of the most visible and prestigious higher educational institutions not only Donetsk region, but also Ukraine as a whole. With
a choice of a speciality too greater complexities have not arisen, because the knowledge received at school "Erudite", have developed
in me interest to programming. There was only a problem of receipt. Not wishing to tighten the decision of this problem till the
summer, I have decided to try the forces in rating tests. Surprise for that moment at me was caused with very big competition on my
speciality, but it has not confused me, and I was accepted to the strengthened preparation for ratings on the mathematician and
computer science. My work has brought result. On results of ratings I have been enlisted on the first rate on a budgetary place to the department
"Software engineering" on the faculty "Computer science" .
On the first course of university it was firstly complex to adapt for a student's life. All was as though for the first time:
the new group, the new teachers, new requirements. «Freedom of actions», the raised responsibility for the successes and failures
was especially unusual. But gradually I was involved in educational process, and time has departed imperceptibly. I showed especial
interest to specialist subjects which deepened my knowledge in sphere of information technologies. Probably, more precise understanding
of the importance of the years lead within the precincts of alma-mater as it is usual, will come in due course.
On the second course I have realized necessity of reception of the second higher education, in fact additional knowledge still to
anybody never stirred, and if there is a chance it is silly it to not take advantage. In February, 2004 I became the student of the
internally-correspondence form of training on a speciality "Management of the organizations. Socially-organizational and legal maintenance
of activity of the enterprises" at faculty of improvement of professional skill and retraining of personnel at DonNTU.
It has played a considerable role at a choice me of a theme on 4-th rate of a theme of degree work. My supervisor of studies
became the senior lecturer, t.s.c. Dmitrieva Olga Anatolevna together with which I was finally defined with a theme of master's works –
"Development and program realization of optimizative model of the enterperises' financial management".
In the summer of 2006, having passed the state examinations on a speciality, I have received the bachelor's degree. The mean score
for the period of studying with 1-st on 4-th rates on a speciality "Sofware engineering" has made 4.74, that has allowed me to continue
studying in a magistracy.
In February, 2007 I have received the bachelor's degree and on a speciality "Management of the organization". Now I continue studying
at faculty of improvement of professional skill and retraining of personnel for reception of the diploma of the specialist.
Plans fo the future
The nearest plans for the future is the writing of degree works on two specialities and their protection. Certainly, before me there
is a problem of the decision of a question on employment. It would be desirable to find the interesting work connected with my speciality
which would bring moral satisfaction and has helped to realize my potential. But, as is known, unfortunately, desires not always coincide
with realities. Therefore I shall put a maximum of efforts to achieve the purpose.