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Donetsk National Technical University Cherkashina Tanya

Cherkashina Tanya

Faculty of computer science

Speciality: Economic cybernetics

Theme of master's thesis:

Efficiency increase of transporting and sales system on an enterprise

Leader of work: assistant professor, ph.d. of technical science Dmitrieva Olga Anatolyevna

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search|Library|Individual task
Curriculum Vitae:

Telephone: +38(050)4281527


Date and place of birth: 21.03.1985, Donetsk


7/2006 –the bachelor of Economic Cybernetics, DonNTU (Donetsk national techical university)

9/2006 - I entered the magistracy, where I'm studying till now.

6/2005 – the diploma of interpreter of business documentation (English, French),DonNU.

Experience :

2003-2004 – expert on merchandise, Unit-S LTD.


Russian, Ukrainian, English (good knowledge without fluency), French (speak, understand a little), Greek( work with dictionary).


basic knowledge of economics, management, economical analysis, statistics, theory of investing, insurance, finance etc. Also I know some aspects of simulation and programming (Visual Basic, Java Script, Rational Rose etc.) and have some practice with program packages as MS Project and “1S: Predpriyatie” (1S: Enterprise). Two years I spent learning the system of goods flows in beer store terminals and basic of logistics.

Additional information:

Hobbies: reading, music, photography.

I hate to evaluate myself, but very often it is necessary. Well, I think, that I’m rather responsible, obliging and diligent person. Also I have good memory and quite good analytic abilities. To my shortcomings, I suppose, can be referred obstinacy, impatience and shyness.

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RUS |ENG| DonNTU> Master's portal