" Brevity is the sister of talent and the stepmother of the fee "
My biography begins quite usually for standard biographies! Therefore we shall not depart from traditions and we shall start.
I was born on March, 13, 1985 (it is Wednesday, it is very a pity, that was not Friday …!) in the hospital ¹17.
parents: Golub Svetlana Akopovna - the programmer.
Golub Vladimir Pavlovich - the miner.
From this union I have appeared! For what huge human thanks
Parents - it a support to the child who tries to find the place in this huge world.
They direct him to the most difficult moments of a life, share experience and always remain the main fans in your fan club.)
I Like and respect my parents!
Mum - it the person who has presented you
a life! I have two brothers,
though native one.
The second though also cousin,
but I do not feel a difference.)
My brothers are remarkable!!!
The childhood has passed quickly and the severe validity began to dictate the conditions - I have gone in
nursery school. The nursary was called "Skazka", than basically was not.)
Diligently comprehending philosophy of children's books and believing, as well as all little girls, in the
best share for the Cinderella,I have gone to 1 class! The first teacher, the first five, the first pair on behaviour
(and the first remorses.), the first friendship, the first love and the first hatred to parental assemblies! The school
is very significant stage in a life of each teenager. Here you start to understand the price to words and acts, to
distinguish friends from fakes and never to despond.
School it on true is cheerful! At school was engaged much than: went in school for especially gifted, was
engaged in basketball, places very much even it is successful. In a result for all diligence and tortures has
received only silver!
Many unforgettable emotions and impressions. The first and last final.) and has ended perfect school it istime...)university was not accidentally, about him I heard the whole 5 years while the senior brother studied. With a
speciality hardly it was more difficult: Economic cybernetics....
The first word was is remote familiarly. Was considered, that economists differ mind and ingenuity (in fairytales believe not only children). And the second word introduced any riddle in this word-combination. Till now
I guess that will write to me in the diploma, the master of that I shall be.
The basic achievement at university it to study up to the fifth rate without special losses for mentality andhealth. For what I am proud of myself immensely!!!
To a magistracy has gone with the purpose of reception of prospect to work abroad. The degree head- Dmitrieva Olga Anatoljevna. Very remarkable teacher and the person!Can find exit from the most desperate situation and the result will surpass all expectations. And it not
barefaced rough flattery,))
The subject of masters work is very actual and perspective for the present. It is very extensive and many-sided, that inspires!
There are many techniques, ways and models for a rating of the capital, is where to be developed.
Plans for the future are extensive:
To work Far Far away, in sense abroad, return at home and open the own business.