
I was born March 18th, 1985, Donetsk
Mother – Kirkish Lyubov Andryeyevna – an accountant
Father – Kirkish Gyennady Styepanovich – a retired miner, now works as a driver
Sister – Myelnyk Nadyezhda Gyennadiyevna – a typing operator (married, now on a maternity leave)
As a child I used to live in the house of my parents. My family had a house and a small kitchen garden. As for the kindergarten, according to my parents, I attended it for a month and then said: “There is nothing for me to do there any more”. I’d like to thank my dear mum, who has never denied me anything and has done her utmost to provide me with all the best. Thank you, mum!
In 1991 I began to attend school ¹ 141. There I had studied till the 7th form.
Because of the moving to a new place of residence, I had to continue my education at school ¹ 125. I was greatly fond of chess and even got the first grade in this sport. Studying in the 9th form, I enrolled for the preparatory courses of Donetsk College. At first I felt very reluctant about changing the studying place once again. But having attended the courses, I understood there was nothing to do at school :o) (knowledge I had got in the College came in handy when I entered Donetsk National Technical University). By the time the courses finished, I had been one of the strongest among my group mates and one of the few, who managed to enter the College.
In 2000 I entered Donetsk College, form 10B with the computer studies bias. Without the slightest idea what this discipline was like, as soon as I “got acquainted” with it, I liked it at once and computer studies became one of my most favorite subjects. Though, I liked geometry most of all. It is hard to say why, probably just because it came easy to me. Actually, the College was the place that determined my further life. I followed my computer studies teacher’s (Fyedyayeva Lyubov Ivanovna) advice and decided to enter Donetsk National Technical University, the faculty of Ñomputer Engineering and Studies (CES) and started attending S.V. Tyeplinsky’s courses, where I had a good training in algorithmization and in this way got some basic knowledge in programming. I took part in rating tests but was taken after the interview in mathematics.
In 2002 I entered Donetsk National Technical University, the CES faculty,the Specialty Computer systems and networks, group KS - 02 V. During the first years of my studying there I made a good progress. But my views upon the study were influenced by a person I had got acquainted with in the College and who is my group mate for the Master’s degree now. He thinks that the most important thing is knowledge but not a mark. I shared his viewpoint and there began some problems with my study. But there is nothing I have regrets about now.
In 2006 I got a bachelor degree and now I’m studying to get the Master’s degree. Why did I decide to do this? There are several reasons for it, the main being the possibility of improving my professional skills abroad.
Since 2005 I have been working at the state enterprise and now have some professional experience.
My future plans
I have never been fond of making plans. That’s why the only thing I can say is that I have always had some aims I’ve been striving after – to become a great professional in my sphere. I dream of finding my match, too.
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